a coincidence?

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we are so weak and do nothing against this

Not a coincidence, it’s by design

People wonder why a single income family can’t afford to own a house, a car, and raise a family … this is why! The money didn’t leave the economy it just got taken by the Oligarchs!

Billionaires are the fastest growing sector of the population, in 10 or 20 years the US has gone from 500 Billionaires to over 2500 Billionaires, and Elon is poised to be the very first Trillionaire.

The Corporations they own are now “people” and those people are psychopaths, bent on gaining wealth for their owners. No not you! The top 20% own over 80% of ALL stock!

It’s easy if you corrupt the system by owning the narrative, through Media Companies, and own the Politicians through legal bribery, and post-political life payouts! Money out of politics is the only possible a swer!

Yet this is supposed to be the strongest economy ever. We can’t have a strong economy and also a wealth disparity that makes the gilded age look not so bad. We are in a full swing oligarchy and we always have been, and that oligarchy decides the economy is great even though no one can afford a home and we are all miserable working too many hours until we die. You can’t have a strong economy and also a 28% increase in homelessness and an elderly generation that can’t retire. I’m getting so sick and tired of having rainbows and sunshine blown right up my fucking ass.

I have no respect for the people dumb enough to believe that woke lgbtq illegal immigrants did this.

Class war heating up. We all either fight back or die working for these dozen billionaires.

The 6 covid relief laws pass 2020-2021 was also about 4 Trillion…

Free Luigi.

Yea. Huge wealth transfer from the lower classes to the 1%. Happened pretty quietly during the pandemic.

Tax policy cat fix this.

Can we run elections in this platform solely?

Trump ran scam giveaways to the rich his entire presidency. Apparently, he really could just murder people and not lose a vote.

I lost 80 lbs and got evicted during the pandemic because they wouldn’t approve my unemployment so I couldn’t pay my bills or get approved for foodstamps.

Wait till you see the concurrent rise in homelessness and homes on the market.

Capitalism can be cruel to the ignorant masses. Don’t be an ignorant mass.

How rich did pension and retirement funds make?

The transfer of wealth to the wealthy

Why do so few people add this part:
Mandated shutdowns hit small and medium sized business driving a whole lot of them out of business.

Shutdowns didn’t impact Amazon, Walmart etc…They saw business booming as they now had even more customers.

Minimum wage rise: Again, Amazon doesn’t care. They can absorb that raise by spreading out the cost over all their offerings. Smaller businesses couldn’t do that and some closed. Even more Amazon shoppers.

Affordable Care Act: My fantastic medical, dental and vision went away and was replaced by high deductible? Why our Employee Owned company couldn’t afford the jacked up costs. Amazon can afford it. I don’t know if they offer it, but they can afford it.

How do you account for the trillions lost by billionaires beforehand due to COVID-19?

Blackrock’s finest achievement

So we don’t realize that people were forced to stop working = lost wages = employers didn’t have to pay those wages = net gain…??

Eat the rich 🤑

So the dragons robbed the peasants again?

Wealth transferred from the earners to the burners.

I don’t know, what do the articles actually say?

Edit: looked the articles up. Of course it’s completely unrelated. One is that Americans were laid off and lost that much in wages during the pandemic, the other is just wealth growth across the whole world, most of which was outside of the US anyway

“Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures”

As a black woman and a Gen Z, the pandemic was super painful for me. I had just graduated college and moved to the U.S. I saw the very very worst of humanity.
An actual employer told me that I had to be having sex with him (like the other girl that worked for him) if I wanted to get the job because according to him, “my wife left me and went to another house. She even took the disabled baby with her.”
I was in utter disbelief that time. I managed to get a job somewhere and I would hear gunshots all the time. My coworker told me that “Oh it was just at the other building of the workplace where workers and clients fought regularly. Just be happy you didn’t get assigned to that building.” I lost my cool when I saw employees stealing clients medication and just marched up to the CEO’s office. I SCREAMED and YELLED at him so hard then I quit. I also saw a 13 year old working at that place and she lied about her age and said she was 18. In that job, you had to 18 or older because of the job duties (we were caring for people with traumatic brain injuries.) She told me that her family was homeless and she had to participate in helping them out of the water.
These experiences, I won’t forget them ever.
Our society needs a huge overhaul

What a shit post. Two unrelated stats made to look like they are via bad headlines in order to invoke rage.

That’s what a money printer does.

#fix the money, fix the world.

And it’s only been getting worse since.

It must be liberals fault. I’m mad at them for me living in a trailer park. Rawr.

The pharaohs got exactly what they paid for

As designed. Shut up and get back to work. That yacht won’t build and run itself, and rich people sure as fuck aren’t going to do the work.

I wonder where this number comes from. The pandemic era actually saw the largest increase in working class wages in decades, above inflation (aka Real Dollars)

source1: [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/workers-paychecks-are-growing-more-quickly-than-prices/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/workers-paychecks-are-growing-more-quickly-than-prices/)

source2: [https://www.epi.org/blog/average-wages-have-surpassed-inflation-for-12-straight-months/](https://www.epi.org/blog/average-wages-have-surpassed-inflation-for-12-straight-months/)

source3: [https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4882184-rising-wages-working-class-americans/](https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4882184-rising-wages-working-class-americans/)

Yeah but they clearly worked harder for it. How else would they make that much?

Its a business model

heads i win, tails you lose.

The pandemic is over

Up next, NYT, CNN, Fox, and all the other major news outlets will pump out shit like “Wondering why you can’t get a raise? Americans, especially women and people under 30, chose easier lower paying jobs post pandemic changing income opportunities” or something along those lines because everything has to be about placing blame on groups so that we all fight each other rather than the people who are actually in control of all this. 

No such thing as coincidence

Not surprised. When you shut down small businesses and keep open large national chains this is exactly what I would expect to happen.

Now that the dust has settled, can we finally admit that we completely overreacted to Covid?


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