A cool guide to knowing what a raised hand means

By Eienkei
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The red zone seems about Reich.


I’m a full blown Nazi when calling a taxi

pet children is crazy lol

I don’t think calling a taxi really has anything to do with angle. It’s 100% dependent on if you’re standing out on the street or not and/or if you’re in an area WITH taxis.

Elon sure could have used this info a couple hours ago lol

Side note: ANY arm bend at all “could have” been a wave. Not even trying to conceal this is crazy.

You sheeps really belive everything mainstream media tells you huh?? Elon was clearly trying to pet an adult!

This is half of the picture, gotta be in 3D, this is side, need to add the front. Could be aircraft marshal or fairy tail 🙂

Pretty relevant information, thank you

Guys be careful when calling a taxi, it’s a 1 inch matter


Can anyone on this site please explain why everyone is a neo-nazi???

At this point I don’t think posting this is a cool guide as much as a how-to

A raised hand is a raised hand, the Nazi salute is the Nazi salute. We can’t just keep on banning the use of a completely natural and easy gesture because of history

Topical af

Fucking dead

That is *not* how you call a waiter.

I think Elon musk needs to see this

A cool guide to know when your guides have jumped the shark

I thought they were looking for a lost child name Kyle?

That’s why they all yell “SEEN KYLE?” at the same time and show you that he’s about that tall.

The Nazi one is so wide that even if your arm suddenly grows a bit, it is still in the red zone.

Try and blacklist elon….lol

It’s a fine line between asking for some more parmesan and supporting nazis

shave underarm needs to be with the waiter

I’ve only used the first one to ask a question or be called on in school. Double hand it and I’m on a rollercoaster.

In my country we stop public transport and salute our flag in the red zone lol

Something gives me elon vibes…

Damn wtf so when I do lateral raises, they are really nazi raises. Fuuuuuuh…ck

Who the fuck pets a child!??

I would argue the ‘call waiter’ bracket should be extended, as I have indeed hola’d a waiter at the first red bracket, and I’m not a nazi. I may be fat, lazy, a communist, but I am *not* a pornstar

who in the fuck calls a taxi like that

Finally an actuallly funny elon musk post, was getting tired of the same picture and post title

Damn I’ve been doing the Nazi to call cabs

Please do not go around petting children

Somehow I’ve managed to go through more than 36 years of life without doing a single combination of motions that anyone has mistaken for possibly being a Nazi salute. It must be so difficult through life constantly yet mistakenly giving people reasons to think you’re a Nazi. That’s rough. My heart really goes out to him.

People with shoulder injury just never can get a refill on their water.

So its a straight arm? Proving yourself wrong lol

Australian here just now realising that stopping the bus is a Nazi salute.

Be careful not to heil a taxi.

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