A damn good speech from Biden

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I’m good with all of them.

Overturn citizens United

Great. None of that will happen.ย 

Ending dark money is an incredible idea. If only he did anything about it before the biggest dark money puppet takes office.

*Narrator:* and none of those things happened as the country slipped into idiocracy

Wait..an exiting president is calling for things to change? Let’s look.

Ok, I’m good with the first one.

What’s next? OK, that makes sense.

Next? We’ll, yeah, let’s do that.

Final? Hmm. Yep, cool with that as wel!

Problem is, none of it will happen. We are living in the beginning of the worst time line since the turn of the 20th century.

Shits going to get ugly.

He’s asking the people who benefit the most from the current system to change the system. Like Eisenhower warning us about the Military-Industrial Complex after he had any power to do anything about it.

I’ll take “Things that absolutely won’t happen in the the next four years” for $200, Alex.

Joe had immunity… should have met with trump on 5th Avenue!

We’re so fucked

I agree. But too little, too late. None of these will happen, and democracy is gone.

It would have been fantastic if he or Kamala HAD FUCKING RUN ON THAT INSTEADย 

Why didnโ€™t he mandate this during his service though

Does bro know he was president for 4 years and could have at least tried to do that stuff

Funny, he didnโ€™t want any of that during the entirety of his political career until today.

I miss him already

Too bad he couldn’t be president and help usher some of this change through

Oh wait

Saying this at the end is barely even lip service.

He could have work for all that in his term

Glad heโ€™s calling for this on his way out, fuck you Joe Biden

Calls for yet does nothing

So his goodbye was a list of all the things we’ll never have. Thanks.

At least our representatives on both sides of the aisle can show unity and cooperation by wholly rejecting such reasonable and sensible measures.

18 year term limits? Needs to be 4 years!!

Little late buddy

Big woop. Talk is cheap. Reagan screwed us all and no one is going to vote themselves out of money or power. He’s immune until the 20th. Somebody make him understand that.

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