A decent man holding up the leaning tower of fascism.

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Is everyone trump brought with him leaning too?

leaning tower? i’d go with steaming pile

I love how this sub keeps switching from “Gavin Newsomes the devil!!” to “well he’s a decent man!”

lol let’s see how many times the horizon line of this photos gets edited and reposted

Leaning Tower of Pisa’ Shit.

Is Melania wearing her “I don’t care” coat again?


Is the whole airstrip leaning or is the photo rotated?

That image looks a little skewed. Not defending our new leader. But Melania is leaning and slightly leaning is the uniformed fellow. Perhaps the lifts don’t create this much tilt?

Ok, Newsome’s not magically some decent man now that he’s butting heads with trump.

These posts are brain rot

Isn’t that stance a symptom of a neurological disorder?

As has been pointed out countless times, this photo is tilted if you look at the horizon.

I know people are mad, but stop making up shit.

Jesus how many days in a row do we have to see this picture, we don’t fucking care that you are just trying to karma farm. Try being original please

how many reposts a day are mods allowing now

Your standards are too low if you think Newsom is decent.

Newsom is a scumbag

Imagine if Biden had allowed primaries!

A decent man?!?

That’s gotta be one strong wind.

Why doesn’t trump wear a wedding ring?

When I saw that photo, I smiled. Looks like Newsom is the one telling trump not the other way around. trump looks like a 4 yr old that’s getting scolded.

Wouldn’t it be indecent to hold up a leaning tower of fascism? Wouldn’t a decent person let it fall?

The leaning tower of treason


He’s a… smooth criminal

Trying to act tough when your state is burning and you cut/sold the water. lol

Why would a decent man want to hold up a tower of fascism?

lol. if you look at the horizon, the photo already isnt level. And as a Californian, Newsom is no decent man. What a low bar you must have…


Trumpy looks like he’s about to puke.

“He pointed at me!! Help!!”

Trump looks as if he’s ready to do the moonwalk.

America is too dumb-downed by right wing propaganda.

Damn Gavin newsom must be 6’6”

Who is the woman pretending to be Melania?


I think you don’t know the definition of “decent”.

Why does it look like all 3 of them are in different stages of leaning 🤣 I’m guessing it’s more an optical illusion but still

Some straight up music video shit


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