A family with their cat wearing masks during the Spanish Flu

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Getting that cat to wear and keep on a mask is just plain impressive

If I remember correctly there were towns where people would not allow you in at gunpoint if you weren’t wearing a mask.

Fun fact: The cat cried less about having to wear a mask then MAGA

It’s amazing how history repeats itself. I love it that they care about the cat that they included it to be protected.

And they all are dead now. Coincidence? Take that, mask wearing libs. 👀


Couldn’t have asked more from the cat

It’s sad that people back then, without all the advances in science that we have today, were much smarter than people today.

Flash forward to 2020

We only gotten stupider.

Masks worked, staying at home worked, idiots who went out in public and shit got sick and spreaded to others.

They cared about their family pet.

I once told to a mask negationist that his great grandmother surely wore one for him to be alive today.

That cat is a cuck lib.

Edit: Forgot the /s.

I bet you that cat’s still alive

Damnn like? How?? I can’t even make my own cat to wear a goddamn collar

Even the cat has the mask over its nose.

I love it when humans treat their pet as a real family member

Everyone in the family should be protected.

Only that the spanish flu was not spanish at all.

Fun(?) fact: some scientists believe the only reason the spanish flu stopped was because everyone predesposed to die from it did.


That Kitty is definitely doing his part to reduce the spread!

They’re all dead now

Boo woooooooke

Cat made them wear those masks. If you think otherwise, you never had a cat. 🐈

The cat is also a member of the family. But how did they put a mask on him and make him take pictures?


Maybe I’m wrong, but cats didn’t get the Spanish flu

Common repost

This is at least the seventh time this picture has been posted in this forum. Thank you.

Crazy and omg that poor cat. 🐈‍⬛

Funny how times have changed. We called it the Spanish Flu, but we couldn’t call the Wuhan Virus by it’s “Original Name” because we were being…


Woke BS at its best.

Fake news……
Never happened……

There were gullible, simple minded folks even back then 🤷‍♂️

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