A felon, a sex offender, a liar, an idiot. “But tHe PrIcE Of EgGs!”

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For a party that has been grifted to no end and plastered their vehicles, homes, and themselves, in Trump stickers and merch for the past decade, republicans sure do get triggered by stickers that talk bad about their dear leader.

Republicans are snowflakes through and through. ❄️

Eggs were high because of bird flu Biden didn’t raise them for God’s sake

A Felon, a sex offender and a liar walked into McDonald’s and the Fry Boy said,,,Hey Trump, you are late for your Shift…

I honestly hope the price of eggs spikes to $20. Trump voters deserve the pain.

The Republican Party primary had other options. Republican primary voters chose a rapist, fraudster, mishandler of classified documents, and a guy who hung out with Jeffrey Epstein to be their party’s nominee.

And 49.9 percent of the people who bothered to show up to vote in the general election voted for him to become POTUS.

If you were eligible to vote in the United States presidential election in 2024 and choose not to, whatever Donald Trump says and does for the next four years is on you. I did my part; I voted for Harris and Walz.

God help us all.

I need to get this where can I get this ?

The price of everything is going to be just as expensive as before

Being a proud trump supporter is the same as being proud of shitting your pants

F Elon

Even if Eggs were free MAGA would complain about the chickens


Hell yeah

Great sticker!!!

Capitalism is about competitive exploitation. What the left and center doesn’t understand is that the right ***admires*** thieves. They lick boots because they know it will give them access to all that wealth. Your kiss-ass manager doesn’t dictate your pay, but *their* paycheck is padded with money that *you* earned.

You forgot traitor

Ok, so a rapist, a sex offender, a felon, a con artist, a compulsive liar, and a traitor walk into a bar and the bartender says “what can I get you Mr President?”

Hypothetically where could one obtain said bumper sticker?….. asking for a friend

I feel sorry for people with these sort of stickers. They are subject to getting run off the road, harassed, foul language and getting guns waved at them. The violent mentality of soooo many conservatives is terrifying

Republicans need to get a life and quit letting the orange piece of garbage tell them what to do.

Where did you get that? I meed one

Screw them all.

The price of eggs are already skyrocketing and although some may say it’s because of bird flu, we all know it’s Trumps fault.

Someone please show me the Bible passage that says that it’s ok to follow an evil man in order to get what you want.

My solace is that I did not vote for the shitshow so I will have to just sit on the sidelines and watch. It is really embarrassing to be an American at this point in time.

Sweet thank you

Did someone take the time to try and photoshop a bumper sticker on?

Lol. What a cesspool echo chamber this is. Wow you posted on Reddit something you agree with. Wooow.

Trump haters are pathetic. lol

I’ll take the convicted felon anyday . Over a lush whore or convalescent patient . It was a really an easy choice for anybody with over a 70 IQ.

The list of “-1 points” under this post is so funny to me

That’s how bad the alternative was. 49.8% of Americans thought kamala was so bad they would rather have the felon sex offender idiot liar.

Left out wife beater.

Why would you be embarrassed about something that you had nothing to do with?

I wonder how black men with felonies feel when they see that.

Make America Garbage Again

I bet this jerk drives a Subaru

You guys realize the inauguration hasn’t happened yet right?

Idgaf shit got nothing to do with me

There they go focusing on identity politics again

Anyone still eating their pets?

At least wait till he isnin the Whitehouse to put the stickers on people

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