A filter for the rich in a simple and beautiful comeback

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Unpaid internships definitely feel like a rigged system that favors privilege over talent. Not everyone can afford to work for free, and it’s wild to act like that’s a fair measure of who ‘makes it.’ Talent and hustle shouldn’t be gatekept by bank accounts.

And if you can’t afford to pay people for the work they do regardless of the position, then your business deserves to fail. It has always baffled me how businesses get sympathy from people, but when it comes to workers saying they can’t make ends meet because of a lack of money – “Well, you’re not going to make it”, “BoOtStRApS”, or some combination of blaming the worker for being in the job they’re in.

Nothing worth doing should be done for free. It shouldn’t matter what it is. Pay people for what they do for you shouldn’t be a hill to die on. Lol

If your business have to steal money from workers, it is not a real business and it shouldn’t exist.

If your parents aren’t rich I’m 100% sure you aren’t ever gonna make it.

Or you are poor, do the internship thinking it will help you in the long run and at the same time you are working an actual paying job that has very weird hours because you want to “make it all work “. Just speaking from experience.

“iTs a lEvEL pLAyiNg fiEld!”

I completely agree, and the companies I’ve worked for have always paid our interns when we were allowed. There are some schools that do not allow companies to pay their interns. They may or may not offer a financial stipend to these students but instead offer class credits for the work experience.

Going back for my Masters degree as a working adult had its challenges. The university that I was considering was promoting a program tailored to those needing evening and weekend classes, but then required a 3-month unpaid internship. It would have required me to quit my full-time job to work at the same type of job for free.

The rich kids aren’t filtered out. They’re cycled back in through nepotism. Pay people for labor they perform.

I mean in the US now the first guy is right. If you aren’t already independently wealthy, or have someone rich enough to support you entirely for a period of time before you reach adulthood you are absolutely fucked.

Adam22 is a hollow husk, incapable of empathy. I pity them.

Honestly never thought of it like that. You’re not wrong, though.

I was required to either do an unpaid internship or study abroad in undergrad. 

I went overseas. Never thought about what people would do if they couldn’t afford either option.

Mental health thrives on unpaid internships! Need a masters degree? You need like 1000 hours and good luck getting paid. Nevermind how much an agency will make off of you during your internship. It’s sick. We already are criminally underpaid.

Why are companies expecting handouts in the form of free labor?

In the US, teachers are forced to do an unpaid internship. It is called “student teaching.”

The education system definitely doesn’t favor the rich. You just have some poor ass teacher taking out student loans to survive that semester.

Unpaid internships are literally a free handout to corporations

At least someone gets it

Don’t think that it is planned. But it definitely ends up working in that direction. In the city I currently live in a room in a shared apartment can easily go for 500-600€, the highest paying internships are at 700-800€. So your family has to pay for you way beyond the end of your studies.

unpaid internship is illegal in my country, it’s either paid by your employer or the government

“You’re never gonna make it if you complain about something completely illegal.”

In other words: “Shut up and do as I tell you; I don’t care about your legal rights.”

Why should employees want that? They want poor people in their jobs so that they are dependant. You don’t want someone who can afford to quit.

Didn’t Adam22 get rich filming a teenage xxxtentacion having sex?

I had a friend who wanted to get a job in the state department and work in embassies. Her life long goal.
Evidently the pipeline to starting positions went like this:
College degree in specific fields > Work at NGOs overseas (Year) unpaid > Work at NGOs overseas (Year) unpaid > *Maybe you get the job*
One thing she hated about it was that the Western dudes were all fucking local (Asia) girls and she would get lonely.

I had to do unpaid internship for few months as software engineer in order to be able to graduate. I worked normal 8 hours, 5 days a week.

While I did it I can’t and I won’t say that I was happy with that. I get it; I’m not a skilled labor at that point; but I’d like to get *anything* for my work. Because I solved real issues, tickets, bugs, that there were on *commercial* applications.

It’s funny unpaid internship for white collar is the norm but as a farmer I’ve had so many people offer to internship for free just to learn how to work with cattle

Unless it’s just walking and talking teaching that’s fine but I pay for actual work

You wouldn’t believe the number of guys willing to slave away on ranches just to get the experience

Don’t tell bro about the *other* kind of paid internship

Porn star/influencer had to weigh in on this since he worked so hard to give unpaid blowies starting out

A minimum for gas, and food should be mandatory. But anything more than that would be too much. Some new hires can be absolute waste of time.

This isn’t a clever comeback. Geekmasterflash, you’re up.

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