A grandpa and his onion farm!

By Marucox
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If I drove past that scene in one of the fields near me, I would 100% panic that I was witnessing the aftermath of a heart attack and would be dialing 911 while sprinting across the field. Guess it would take only once before I knew it was the more wholesome option!

“It’s my farm, my field, my dirt and I’ll sleep wherever I want”

My onions!


I don’t know why, but it’s somehow inspiring.

Used to be out standing in his field


NGL napping in field sounds pretty nice


Sometimes I will just lay on our floor facing one of the cats and chilling with them.

But Am I the only one panicking about the white shirt.

And he’s sleeping *across* the row. Man gives no fucks. He’s probably one of those people who sleeps just fine on a hard wooden floor “because it’s good for the back.”

hug with your works

his own field of “poppies”.

Could you imagine being 20 in the 50/60’s where owning a house and land would be as easy as going to the bank with a handful of dollars? So many people have been locked out of the way of life that existed, its kind of insane to me.

Second pic reminds me of the end of Interstellar.

I totally get that!!

This story brings a tear to my eye…

Guess he’s not out standing in his field!

Every farmer have felt it: the love to the earth.

*He shallot be woken*

As was the style at the time

Dudes like 80 and still has to work, is that really winning

Aww – my grandpa had a tree nursery and an apple orchard and would do the same.

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So exhilarating

I showed this to my girlfriend and she was like “why?! Wouldn’t it smell like onions? I don’t get it.”

Whenever driving across farmland, I’ve fantasized about doing this. But I’m barefoot in a sundress with my dog.

So one day this dude is gonna die during one of these naps and get found out in the fields somewhere.

This also made me smile. But I find it interesting that so many of you find this “hopeful”.

This isnt an onion field

Bro we got beds now if you need to nap

Doesn’t that make him cry in his sleep ?

How is he not getting super sunburned?

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