A high school football star, Brian Banks had a rape charge against him dropped after a sixteen yr old girl confessed that the rape never happened. He spent six years falsely imprisoned and broke down when the case was dismissed.

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She ruined his life. He had a full ride football scholarship to USC and that was wiped out. After he got out, he had a couple of tryout opportunities and appeared in the preseason for the Atlanta Falcons, but too much time had passed for him to be competitive at his age at that level.

In 2011, nearly a decade after the accusation, Wanetta Gibson reached out to Banks on Facebook, expressing a desire to reconnect. During a meeting, which Banks secretly recorded with the help of a private investigator, Gibson admitted she had lied about the rape. She claimed there was no abduction or sexual assault and said she feared the consequences of admitting the truth earlier.

Fuck women who lie and do false rape accusations.

They should be imprisoned.

Gibson and her mother sued the Long Beach Unified School District, claiming the Poly campus was not a safe environment, and won a $1.5 million settlement.

What was her sentence?

She should be charged for “Perverting the course of justice” a serious criminal offence for making false allegations that led to an innocent person being convicted

If it was the UK she could be facing life in prison for this, isn’t there something similar in the US?

She needs locking up

Put her in for the same amount of time

Hope she gets sent to Jail for ruining that guys life

Justice for this man! Incarcerate the girl same long sa he is!

The person that made false accusation should spend the same amount of time in jail now.

How do women sleep at night after sending an innocent man to jail?

I’m a survivor of sexual assault. Women who lie about this are why we don’t get believed when we were ACTUAL victims. So I will be the first to say that if soheine lies about this and the truth is revealed that they did, the accuser should go to jail for minimum what the person they lied about had to.

That bitch should spend 6 years in prison

And she went to prison right? Right? Right?!!!

This part is also fucked:

He wasn’t even found guilty by a jury and was 16 years old himself, pressured to take a plea deal by his lawyer.

“Faced with a possible 41 years to life sentence, he accepted a plea bargain that included five years in prison, five years of probation, and registering as a sex offender. Banks stated that he took the deal after his lawyer told him that he stood almost no chance at trial because he would likely be tried by an all-white jury who would only see “a big, black teenager.” According to Banks, his lawyer convinced him that by pleading no contest he would receive probation, but no jail time. With only ten minutes to decide and denied the right to counsel with his mother, Banks took the deal.[18]

I don’t understand the physiology behind why she would do this?

Did he sue her ass?

Put her in prison for 12 years

Six years of his life taken away… makes you wonder how many similar cases are out there that don’t get the same attention.

Can he turn around and sue her?

She needs to goto jail for 12.

Now she can spend 5X as long in as he had to be.

This is why there needs to be evidence besides a girl or women wagging her crooked finger at a boy or man to get a conviction.

She should have been put in jail for 10 years so that this serves as a reminder to everyone else who fabricates and comes up with such false rape cases !

Moral of the story… a woman will ruin your life.

Spending a 6yrs in prison for the wrong accusation damn 6 years of your life to be wasted

Hopefully, that girl can finish his sentence plus another 20 years. As for someone saying they would do 6 years for 2 to 3 million. Not a chance 10 million per year, minimum.

Does she go to jail for her actions? Dare one wonder what factors, and proof led to her being believed over him?

This is what breeds contempt and hatred for the system.

Someone has to tell her to do this. 16 years old girl do just come up with such an idea and pay for all the lawyer money do they

The look on those policemen faces say it all…

What happened to her!? That’s what I’d like to know.. dare I say, that should be consideration for the death penalty

She should lose her dignity too.

Can she go to jail for this?

What was the punishment for the false allegation? Majority are never punished or held accountable, as it would look like possibly attacking a victim and lead to real victims never coming forward as now they will be assumed to be lying

Justice here would be that girl having to serve *exactly* the same length of time in jail that she caused this man to endure.

And ruined his potential NFL career

So, now that his life is ruined what punishment does that little bitch get for falsely accusing him in the first place. This happens far too often

False accusations ruins lives. Time he will never get back.

Now lock her up for twice as long. Let her think about it a bit.

She should get the 6 years he got and another 6 years on top for lying

When I was in high school, our wrestling captain suddenly got arrested for rape from the girl he had been dating for over 3 years. Apparently, she was telling him “no,” but he proceeded anyway. She was also our wrestling “manager assistant.” (Students can volunteer to help out with random things for the wrestling team, like recording our matches, for example.)

If I remember correctly, this guy had the charges dropped and then went on to the state championship for wrestling.

Shout out to Waverly High in Nebraska.

How could they send this kid to jail without any hard evidence? Seriously locked him up for 6 years on someone’s word alone!?

The man was convicted on what evidence? How the fuck did prosecution secure a conviction as surely she said he said is not a good enough reason to convict someone of such a serious crime.
I’m sure that many less serious crimes are dismissed or not taken to trial because of a lack of evidence.

She should spend 6 years in a MENs prison!, plus damages! , it’s that FN serious, what a waste of oxygen and flesh she is, I feel so bad for guys like this.

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