a huge selfless act of kindness 🤍

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Wow! Organ donation is one of the most altruistic and life-saving actions a person can do.

Congrats to all and wishing health, healing, and happiness to all involved.

I’ve never met a Willie I didn’t like!

As a living kidney donor myself I love this!! Willie you are a lifesaver!! 🙏

Thank you, Willie 🫡

Hell yeah Willie, next round on me 🍻

Hell yeah! Good guy Willie! 💜

Thank you Willie wherever you’re for giving her a second chance at life

I worked with the woman that drove this truck. This was years ago. She had those stickers for a long time!

From this point on, every Willie I meet, I’m buying the first 2 rounds. Fuck yes Willie,*Fuck yes*!

My mom is donating a kidney to my cousin Feb 6. I’m so proud of her.

I wonder if Reddit will ever role out some type of AI filter to prevent the same images being posted over and over again across subs and time for OP karma.

In the grand tapestry of life, remember to plant your joy seeds generously because when those happiness trees overflow, everyone’s invited to the shade!

this is beyond heartwarming. such an incredible and selfless act of love

May her creatinine stay low & her GFR stay high.


Onya willie!!!

Do you think the tailgate sign worked? Like did Willy come and knock on this guys window at a stop light and say ‘what blood type?’

Willie is a GOAT!

I need one too! Should I put a message on my car? Thanks, Willie! You made a gigantic difference in that girl’s life. Thank you to all donors.

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Mine come with free rocks!


Well, if I ever gave a kidney, it would only be because I mistook it for an extra rib during a midnight snack.

What a guy!!!!!

Willie you are a real hero ❤️

Willie’s the man!

Wow soooooo generous

I’d be crying in traffic


Hope shes gonna be okay soon

that was awesome indeed.

Mad props to Willie!

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