A joke that’s not funny

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I’m just happy that the people that voted for him will suffer way more than me, enjoy.

I like how he hasn’t even TRIED ANYTHING. Dude is such a fucking grifter.

I’m sure the people who voted for him because “trump is gonna fix the economy” will learn from their mistake and be better educated if we have future elections. Don’t worry it’s only four more years right? RGIHT?>!

Grocery chains make a very low percentage of profit.

Calling it now. prices *will* go down, because corporate overlords want republicans to have the perception of being ‘good for the working class.’ price increases and decreases are activism. a few years from now, things will be cheaper — but not because of some genius-tier maneuver by Trump. By the will of the elites he actually serves.

“Look, they got them up. I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard,” he said in the interview published Thursday.

“But I think that they will. I think that energy is going to bring them down. I think a better supply chain is going to bring them down. You know, the supply chain is still broken. It’s broken,” Trump said.

the faf lying king


Millions of Americans are just plain stupid.

We get what we deserve. Goodluck to us.

Can someone explain to me how tariffs raise customer prices but corporate taxes don’t.

The people got what they voted for. A bunch of billionaire felons are not going to care about the common people’s wellbeing.

70 million people voted a 300 lb prolapse into office, after seeing a clear example of the buffoonery and grift. What the fuck else would anyone with a functioning brain rain expect him to do?!?!

Yawn. We know, Trump is a sham and Americans are patsies for voting for him. Next.

[in a s Billy Mays voice]


A joke the people elected

Which will be passed on to consumers, right?


The most scary part is that, his cult fans will still back him.

Honestly, his cabinet picks are no difference from a corrupt African country politics.

We should be in the streets every day against this guy, he’s an easier fold than a career politician like Biden

But when you give rich people tax breaks, they lower their prices….. er… wait…

Theoretically, that would actually be a way to cut grocery prices… but it won’t work out that way.

Stop trying to raise my taxes. . . Reduce government waste and inefficiency

Also, it would give the manufacturers, who set grocery and retail prices as well, tens of billions in tax breaks.

Trolls are already claiming that Trump never promised to lower grocery prices

we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas

I don’t even know why he tries to spin things anymore, his base doesn’t give a shit and will support him with a smile.

Go President Trump, go! Republicans will save us!

Americans about to be sodomized sans lube.

Drain the swamp!!!!!

How do you bring down grocery prices ?

Just because he puts in tax cuts, doesn’t mean that the companies are going to cut their prices

To be a business owner in America. Raise prices to make more money, but are people mad at you? No they’re mad at the guy who wants to break up your monopolies and raise your taxes and if you don’t fix it they’ll elect a man who will cut your taxes and doesn’t believe in any government regulations

Surely, for the first time in history, the big giveaway to corporations will result in them paying it forward and lowering prices, right? Sort of like– oh, what’s the word… trickle-down, right?


If he were clever (he isn’t) and actually cared (he doesn’t) then surely he could offer those same companies a tax break in order to reduce prices.

And he could use it to massively increase his popularity at the same time by blasting it on social media and subsequently the news:

> Donald Trump offers win-win to Grocery Chains: “Bring down prices and I’ll bring down tax”

Luigi for 2028

and if prices did come down he would say he did bring them down by proxy via the corporate tax break…ffs

Corporate taxes aren’t, simplistically, a tax on the rich or corporations.

They’ll use the tax cut money to lower prices, right?

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