A man placed a Soviet tank on his empty property.

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Ah, yes, building a tank and pointing its gun turret at an office building is also the first thing that comes to my mind when I think “light-hearted protest.”

*I’m poking fun*

Great way to protest against lousy local government

It’s gone ๐Ÿ™


Did he finally get permission to redevelop after this gesture


He also keeps a deactivated sea mine in his barn.

Imagine being a 6 year old kid and saw this! Oh the many imaginary wars that will be fought!

Dopest way to protest

Nicely played sir. But how does one just happen upon a T 34 Soviet tank in London. Guess Amazon is that bomb.

It’s supposedly called a “tank” because they were developed in secret during WW1, and “water tanks” was their cover story for steel manufacturing.

If not for the secrecy, they would have been called “landships”.

Itโ€™s not there anymore though

I live in the neighbourhood, sadly itโ€™s been removed fairly recently ๐Ÿ™ (a year ago ish) Theres a banner up nearby demanding it be returned and everything ๐Ÿ™

Watch out! The Russians are so short on tanks, they may try to steal this one back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

there has to be more to this story. most sensible, easy to deal with people don’t own surplus armored fighting vehicles.

I find this hard to believe. Planning permission needs documentation to show what’s being built and how big it is

Am I hearing this right? The council denied him designing what I imagine would have been a small park, or a garden…. but were fine with him dropping a septic tank on the lot? Wtf…


One day you will realize there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path…

—-Some guy named Morpheus

Thatโ€™s brilliant ๐Ÿ˜‚

This is funny.

Smart and funny, cool guy

Didnโ€™t Tom Scott make a video there?

How to Protest Effectively:
1) Request to install a โ€œtankโ€ on your property
2) Request to install a โ€œshellโ€ at city propertyโ€ฆ


I can’t help but wonder if the Russian language has the same shared meaning for the word “Tank” that English does…


Iโ€™ve gone through building permit approval cycles where septic tanks were involved. I think it would be easier if they thought it was a real military tank.

Why ruin that incredible tank with that paint job

I mean, your heart might be lighter if its blown up…

T-34 very good russian tank… Maybe it’s a protest? It looks very alike flower power. Please stop war and make peace dear Russians!

This isnโ€™t true

t-34-85 my beloved

Reminds me of the story of:

# The SHARKS!!!!


Oldest trick in the book

A little daily reminder of who holds power and who can easily take it away.

In the UK we have something of a tradition of fighting with councils. This guy put a [shark](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7589391,-1.2131129,3a,60y,261.33h,106.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svZuO0PomZytioCdEq26PgA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) on his roof.

The funny thing is, calling them โ€œtanksโ€ is how the British were able to hide them from leaked supply reports. Anyone looking at them would think โ€œoh, water tanksโ€ and ignore it.

Itโ€™s a fun switcheroo when you remember that tanks were originally called tanks as a way to keep their identity as fighting vehicles secret while they were developed.

I think the guy died or gave up. Its fully fenced off now and overcome by plant growth

Suprised the British didnโ€™t beat him for not having a liosence



Peace, love, and high explosive anti tank!

This is especially funny because the British originally named tanks โ€œtanksโ€ in order to confuse spies and make them think they were transporting tanks of water rather than war machines.

It’s now worth a fortune as Russia needs all the shit it can find.


Idk why but now I picture this neighborhood as a tony hawk pro skater scenario, maybe it’s the painting or a random vehicle in a urban area, idk

“perform 2000 points on the tank to unlock a tape” or something like that

then it shoots into a wall and unlocks a skatepark inside

That is hilarious awesome.

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