A married couple with their 11 children on Palm Sunday, 1954.

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This wasn’t that uncommon through history, except for the part where it looks like they all lived past infancy

Dude, go golfing

lol talk about the law of averages

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All of the children together in 2013

This is a photo of the Brennan family of Chicago! More here:

He knew the boys were in there somewhere.

I have cousins with family this big. We wear name tags to family reunions. My grandmother had 8 children. 4 of them had 8 or more children while the other 4 stopped at 2.

At some point the girls ink ended and they had to print boys.

Get pregnant, around 40 weeks. Maybe have a month break in there before getting pregnant for another 40 weeks. Assuming there were no miscarriages, this woman was pregnant for almost 10 years straight. 

So interesting that there is a string of girls, then boys.
I went to high school in the 70s with a girl who was one of 15.

My mom, born 1926, was one of nine.
I was born 1961, six of us.
Husband is one of 11, from E. Europe. One sibling died at two, accidentally.

She probably made everyone’s suit.

Remember. Only 1 parent working a normal job could afford this.

It’s a womb, not a clown car.

That poor mother.


This exact order: 2^11 = 1 in 2048

“You weren’t supposed to keep them! Back then You’d have like nine kids and five would die of a cough! You’d say you had four kids! Now that medical science is what it is you don’t need to hedge your bets! Just have two or three kids and quit!”

Paraphrasing Bill Burr.

The sisters are all older and the brothers are all younger?! Rather striking.

You can tell when he changed positions.

My father in law was one of 17. That is just absolutely mind blowing to me. Especially when he told me how poor his family growing up.

that poor lady has negative calcium in her body

Those poor older daughters. Raising those kids.. ugh

I don’t even have 11 friends I regularly talk to

When you really want a boy and end up overcompensating after that.

I’m nearing 50. Grew up with a girl, the oldest of 12. There was no childhood, it was raising your siblings and doing everything for them.

13 people, 2 haircuts

It’s a vagina, not a clown car.

Obligatory, Every Sperm is Sacred.


And he paid for all that working at a gas station. Can u imagine one job supporting 13 lives?

1954, when you worked 1 job and could afford clothes for 11 kids.

Learned how to set his nuts to “boy” for the last

They made their outfits every year, apparently. More info here:


The little guy on the end in his little suit. 🥹

Ah, Catholicism…

It’s not complicated math but what are the odds of 5 females followed by 6 males. Seems super rare

Edit: A married couple with their 11 clones on Palm Sunday, 1954.

Why do people keep saying you had more kids because they would die? No, you had more kids because there was no reliable birth control and people like fornicating. Also this photo was taken in 1954. I’m sure they had electricity and penicillin had been invented.

“Like the organ pipes”, as they say where I live.

That oven has been working non stop.

Amazing… her poor pelvic floor, though.

5 girls and 6 boys, both in a row. the odds!!

This is the problem

The poor girls, mini me’s of their mother

Flips switch halfway through.

Now there’s something about the little boy holding his dads hand at the end (at least it looks like it I could be wrong though) that’s makes me smile.

its like she was pregnant her entire marriage.

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