A message from Nemu (Steam delivery girl’s Artist)

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What a genuinely kind soul. I love her art and bought her banner the first day it came out, really well done and thought out, she should be extremely proud of the work she’s done. Can’t wait for her to release more stuff on steam!

Legit spent all my points from the points shop on the winter and fall backgrounds and animated pfp and pfp borders so that I can keep the Steam Delivery Girl and her kitty alive and well on my Steam account.


I can’t speak on before because I didn’t know her but I hope she doesn’t have trouble finding work for a long time now. She genuinely seems like a great person and people love her art. I hope this keeps her going for a long time

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It’s the end of an era.

These were clearly the best Steam sales I have ever seen… Thank you so much, Nemupan !!!!


Incredibly wholesome. I hope we see more of her art in the future.



She’s making us miss her even more.😭

This is what you can’t get when you cheap out on AI art. This is what you miss out on. Thank you Valve.

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I’ve bought every single thing that showed up with this character, honestly some of the best stuff in the points shop by a wide margin. End of an era…

Just built my first pc this last June and was greeted to her banner on the summer sale. I was genuinely like ” oh, that’s chill, I love this for some reason” and I’ve loved them all. The winter one was so cozy and nice.

Es de chile? Wena CTM chile campion xd

I’ll miss her adorable art.

I hope this is a yearly thing so for this year’s sales we will have another artist

Protect this woman at all cost

Thank you Nemu for Steam Delivery Girl we love you ❤️❤️

She should be the new mascot for steam ngl I don’t want whatever comes next

Hell yeah! So happy to see a Latina artist get so much love 🫡 killer designs too, she knocked out of the park!

How many points do I need in total to buy all those? Not sure if I have enough for what I can see so far

I hope steam does this again for 2025, small artists need more support than ever in this ai crazy, I really loved the different themes, I actually thought it was their oc but im sad seeing it go away 🙁

I hope they bring her back for more big sells promotions.

Bye, I definitely won’t miss it lmao.

good job

Sounds like an awesome person.

I’m still happy I won’t have to look at her art ever again.


big mistake from Valve to let her go tbh.

I can’t remember any other mascot of theirs that had any kind of staying power. Like, what were even the themes or mascot from Steam beforehand?

Even my friends who only view Steam as a games launcher had begun to assosciate steam girl with steam itself, unlike the weird creatures of the past years that they used sporadically as their mascots.

Easily the best mascot Steam has ever had. That cat made me so happy when I realixed I could click on it


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