A million people gathered to protest in central Seoul and cleaned up after themselves before they left

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A million people, yet the place looks cleaner than some gatherings of a few hundred ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)

You don’t shit on your own doorstep.

Korea’s really setting an example for other democracies. First crushing an unjust power grab and now this

Makes us look like the lazy idiots we are.

Goes to their respectful culture, great trait ๐Ÿ‘

How un-American of them

Japan 2.0 In a good way. They care about their country. You can always tell when people care about their country. They treat “public property” as their own, because they know it is.

Edit – I’m sorry for calling it “Japan 2.0”. I really forgot about the history between the two. It wasn’t meant in a bad way.

Love this. I know its a fine line towards too much conformity (social pressure to conform in places like Korea, Japan, etc is tough), but I wish Americans would follow the basic rules of civility and consideration towards others like this so we could have nice things.

Itโ€™s all in your upbringing

I think this is honestly just a product of their culture. Japan is very similar. They’re just clean people and I respect the shit out of that.

Owning a venue in the United States, it’s disgusting the day after most events.

Imagine thatโ€ฆhaving some pride and decency.

Now show the aftermath of a MAGA rally.

Ok but who cleans *that* up?

โ€œWhy do Koreans want to preserve their culture rather than being culturally diverse and boosting their economy through mass immigration like the rest of us?โ€

that’s how society should be

South Korea is cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thats how we should protest lol

i hate america

Truly model citizens

This is what basic common sense looks like.

This wouldnโ€™t even happen at a earth day rally in America.

Made me smile.

America could never

This place is cleaner than a gathering of 4 ppl in my city

High-trust, high-conformity culture. Makes sense.

What the fuck i cleaned that same amount of trash from a supermarket today at work๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

Fuck I love clean people. There’s more trash strewn around my neighborhood than what’s in this picture, and sometimes I feel like they should just nuke this fuckin town because of all the trash that lives here.

“you know what this picture says to me? Lost jobs. Think of the hundreds of sanitation jobs you can create by just leaving trash wherever you want. Good city government jobs too. With good benefits and 401k plans. I bet small stuff like this causes South Korea to have a bad unemployment rate. You know who doesn’t have a bad unemployment rate? North Korea.”

-an avg American

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