A new Executive Order has just dropped.

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But the first century was from 0 – 99, what would you call it then?

Skill issue

Too many people here seem to have this problem, and I think its hilarious

Sounds like an education issue

The people who are confused by this are the same people think “a quarter past 5” means 5:25.

Skill issue


i get why it’s that way but it is indeed weird.

The first century is year 0-100. You identify it by where it ends, not where it starts.

its not that confusing, 1st century is the first set of 100 years and so on up to 21st century which is the 21st set of 100 years

So are we calling the first century the zeroth?

So I checked and history from 0 to 99 is not that important now, I agree with you

Sounds like a skill issue, but this is the type of stupid shit that barely literate decomposing orange peel of a president would do.

Ah yes, Jesus grew up in the 0th century

Do we make ourselves a year older as well? Because I would not like that.

That’s only because there is no century 0. It starts at the first century.

Seriously waiting for an executive order declaring Pluto a planet again

You do realize year 100 to year 199 is 100 years right? Or are you trolling me?

Year 0-99 is just referred to as “The Centuryâ„¢”

You can skip all the comments . . . it’s the same people making the same arguments we hear every time a year ends in zero.

I don’t get why so many people make fun of this.
When we talk about music from the 90s it’s 1990 to 1999 so what y’all on about skill issue :/


self report

I would recommend we just call the First century anything from year 0 to 199. Done.

Scary that this isn’t a far fetched thing to see one day. doubt this administration has an understanding of basic counting principles, and because you can’t understand it let’s change it

New executive order:

Gubernatorial will be changed to Governatorial in the English language.

Are you joking or just stupid

That’s stupid. You identify it by where it ends, not where it starts. Gotta learn at school better, than thinking of some stupidly unnecessary changes to a logically sound things.

I’d honestly support this. If it’s gonna be stupid at least make it somewhat useful

Welcome to the documentary on the year 102 AD. Near the beginning of the zeroth century.

-a very smart person

In any sain programming language arrays start at zero. So I support this decision.

Haha I just got finally used to the idea that 17th century is 16xx, but I would support this order!

This is stupid. It just means you don’t understand numbers

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