A normal sized American dude with like 200% larger than average cheeks.

By pystar
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He looks like my 3 year old daughter.

He’s just super happy because he’s sitting on that nice sexy white Oval Office couch, can’t contain himself 🤗


Face ass

How many balls can he fit the there? Both Donald’s and Vladimir’s at the same time

He looks like a garbage pail kid

It’s the image that shows up when you search punchable faces

Looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid

Is this photoshopped???

Looks ready to drown in a chocolate river.

Dude seriously is a twin to John Wayne Gacy wit his beard

He looks like a toddler that is just developing. I mean look at him like “Mom I dressed myself today”

Vice President Ozempic Augustus Gloop

and a fake pic


Spot the difference

The smuggest hamster. No class.

Hes been dry humping the couch arm and he has a mouth full of nuts.

Who the fuck cares? Are we really this childish?

Yes. He is a fawning piece of shit. A completely insincere, opportunitistic asshole.

There is plenty of fodder from yesterday to make real, adult grievances. The size of his cheeks is not one of them. This is the sort of dumb shit that creates material for the right wing to point at.


He watches a lot of hamster porn

Hamster looking mf

Cabbage patch kids were real. 😅

He’s just happy because he’s thinking about fucking the couch he’s sat on.

Look at that, One of those cute little cabbage patch kids grew up and put on a suit. I’ll bet he just makes the best policies! What’s that? Fascism…?



Pretty much what he contributed

Ridiculing appearance is only ok if it is a straight white man. Says the “anti racist” party.

Making fun of someone’s physical looks and still think you are the good guy is insane

Freakin’ chipmunk

Don’t lower yourself to their level. Ridiculing someone for the way they look is something Trump/Vance would do. There are plenty of valid things to question about them so why go for this?

That is fluid retention from severe daily alcohol consumption.

And why is his appearance relevant?

Cabbage patch doll lookin ass

He looks like an hamster if that hamster was possessed by a devil

He’s sitting on his favorite couch button.

Moon-faced fuck.

Baby man

He’s a squirrel in disguise

He stores Trumps nuts in there

This guy watches illegal porn and masterbates next to his Immigrant wife while chugging an iced tea topped with kettle none. This man-boy is a bitch beyond the meaning of bitch. Hope he finds himself stuck in a well full of crap he can’t get out of. Suck a bolt mr vance.. he’s got the face of a kindergartner’s attempt at drawing a basic circle. Pop them cheeks, and watch the lies and garbage pour out




Fucking Nazi hamster.

I wonder if he and the dude that’s obsessed with people wearing suits practice kissing each other after meetings

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