A photographer has captured the incredible moment an eel escaped from heron’s stomach while the bird was still in flight.

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Escape from

# what

When you take to the sky
and your guts open wide
that’s a moray

Dead bird flying?

Damn. That’s hardcore. Nature is wild and terrifying

None of the other eels are gonna believe him

Since quite literally no one is sharing information on this, I rummaged up a [video](https://youtu.be/689P9t2hFYI?si=Ca2L4OcTt3c1tWUv) explaining what’s going on, and the possible aftermath of something like this

That’s a bad day for that bird

…. saw this post 2 years ago, and also heard this eel escape tactic talked about via NPR (on my favorite local public radio station) a few months ago, is incredibly interesting. the eel will first try to wiggle it’s tail back up the esophagus; if that fails, it’s out through gills (if eaten by a fish) or apparently through bird stomach, then on homeward bound

edited to clarify source

That has to be a confusing moment for both of em

Is this picture for eel?

So this is why mom always told me to chew my food!🤦🏻‍♂️

I have questions.

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They mostly come out at night. Mostly.

Hello my darling, hello my baby


How is the heron so relaxed though? It’s flying as if nothing

“This is less than ideal”


Still less crazy than how eels reproduce. And I’m not kidding.

That Eel is High as hell

Man , Heron is a crazy experience..

“Hello my baby, Hello my honey, hello my sunshine gal” 🎶 👽

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I’d never thought the Mighty Boosh would be relevant in this way

It’s the new weight loss craze. You can eat as much as you want with Ozempeel.

Imagine landing back in the water and explaining that

Eel be tellin that story for years

The moment everyone realised that Heron’s are biomechanical flying machines piloted by eels. We should really have known given their long necks, the evidence was right in front of us. This one ejected, likely due to internal systems failures or perhaps it’s skydiving, it’s hard to tell with eels.

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