A picture from the courthouse where İmamoğlu is being held. Erdoğan has arrested hundreds, if not thousands of students, protesters, lawyers, journalists and mayors since İmamoğlu’s arrest. His cops keep both sexually and physically abusing peaceful student protesters, yet we still remain.

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He played his last card. There are two ways. Either we will keep watch until the sun rises on that beautiful day. Or we will wake up to the Republic of Tayyip Erdoğan on Monday. Just like Russia, North Korea.

Being a dictator protecting cop is probably one of the least moral things you can do with your life.
Heroin traffickers got more honor.

What is it with old people and their obsession to stay in power forever. You got your chance to be the top dog, you put yout name in history, now gtfo and have a nice relaxing retirement.

Newtonian physics, the harder you hit, the harder the people hit back.

They Beat Times Journalist!!!


Shame on that cops following a dictator

“Peaceful student protesters.”

And that’s why it doesn’t change lads.

Yet another tinpot dictator willing to ruin lives just for a few more years of power.

He will end up in the same place as all dictators, strung up or imprisoned. Or he clings on to power but ultimately finishes 6 feet under, just like everyone else. Is it all worth it?

No need for hyperbole.

Police and the people have mostly refrained from escalation so far. That’s a good thing. I was at Sarachane Friday night. Will join today too. Protesters are very peaceful given the sheer size. There’s a bunch engaging back and forth with the cops but they’re limited. Crowds show massive restraint to stop each other from going over the line.

Gov is undeniably scared shitless.

This bullshit legal case and diploma cancellation has to be reverted. There is no normalcy without it.

Where’s the difference to what Putin is doing? The EU will loose all credibility if it does deals with Türkiye.

All the people need to do is rise up and destroy Erdogan. They won’t because the people of Turkey are disarmed and cannot do anything except protest, and the dictator just shells protestors because he gets away with it.

What I’m not getting is that the entire world is like “orange man bad” and completely ignores what Erdogan is doing and he keeps his NATO status as if there’s nothing wrong.

It’s the end for Erdogan. Finally

Peaceful protests don’t succeed nowadays. Just look at Belarus.

ACAB! Class traitors!

That’s awful. Our dictator (Serbia) used a forbidden sonic weapon on us just last week. Also prepared hooligans to jump into the crowd, beat up the people, and then play a hero with gendarmerie and police and to say that the protests were violent. Luckily, it didn’t go to plan as the students who were securing the protest noticed his evil plan.

I saw some photos and videos from Istanbul protests, you guys are hardcore fighting with the police. It’s crazy what they’ve done, and you mustn’t let it go unpunished!

Erdogan is playing the same game as in 2016 (arrest everybody)

I thought Europe was fine with him as long as he keeps refugees out of Europe, wowww good morning guys, its been happening for years…

Excuse me, just gonna use the toilet.


It’s always interesting seeing some individuals so willing to side with the dictator or corrupt politician. How do they not see that they are also being played? It seldom plays off being a collaborator.

Never forget. Always set fire to pingpong balls in alluminum foil

Hope Trump’s not taking notes for his playbook.

wtf 😭😭😭😭😭

Wow is there proof of the thousands od arrests or the sexually and physical abuse? I’d like to share the articles

They need the assistance of a device named after an old Russian foreign minister to get through those facists.

And yet you’ll vote for him for the hundredth time!

This reminds of the Umbrella movement in Hong Kong.

Hope this ends differently

Civil war the next step?

All of them are covering their faces despite having the full support of the entire government, all kinds of weapons, chemical weapons, equipment, armored vehicles etc, but they tell us not to do it because its apparently illegal 🤣🤣

Man, I sure hope that giant space above the shields is bulletproof.

Sorry guys. This is all my fault. Previously I booked a trip to Turkey and then there was a military coup. Never went. Booked a trip again for this year and I’ve triggered this. Sorry, my bad

The usual class traitors.

At what point do the police lose faith in the leader and the directions from their superior officers and say “fuck this. What we are doing is wrong and can’t continue”?

It is important that the people of Turkey continue the good fight.

One good cop could misplace some tear gas canisters and this would look drastically different very fast.

But all easier said than done, this is just a small part in what needs to be a well coordinated plan. Elon shutting down access for opposition to prevent them organizing says it all.


Without Weapons and Killing We never get Rid of Criminal Political MF. Revolution is needed all around the Globe the Slave us & the World. F.t.W & k… em all thats my Point. Satan is alive everywhere

look at all the little weenies with half their faces coverd, i wonder how many would be shunned/disowned by their family’s for this.

Bro’s been sitting on the throne since I was born, literally gtfo I’m so sick of seeing his face

In my beautiful country of France, many people from Turkey love to go back to their home country, go on vacation there because it’s so nice and praise this president, but they don’t want to stay there for some reason… really strange

Why only male anti riot cops?

This situation is so fucked.

Turkey as bad as Russia here jailing and murdering you’re Pol. Opponents

But wait Trumpelstiltzchen will soon say. He’s such a good man.

Stop posting on the r/Europe subreddit. Your whole country is in Asia except a tiny little corner… I know you get a big high from thinking of yourselves as Europeans, but let me break it to you…NOBODY in Europe considers Turks as Europeans. It doesn’t matter if it with Erdogan in power or somebody else for that matter, we will never consider you Europeans no matter what

Well, at least you can still use the restroom there.


It’s like the mob AIs don’t even care about aoe.

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