A picture that can never be taken again

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Absolutely wild, so much aerospace history in one single photo.

Is that a mcdonnell douglas of some sort on the other side of the runway? A fokker?

Every picture cannot be taken again.

One time, this guy handed me a picture of him. He said, “Here’s a picture of me when I was younger.” Every picture is of you when you were younger. “Here’s a picture of me when I’m older.”, “You son of a bitch! How’d you pull that off? Let me see that camera!”

This is IAD back in the day looking south from the control tower. Thatā€™s the ramp tower in the distance with the south service road beyond it that leads to the south maintenance shops.

Stunning photograph.

Who owns the rights to this photo? Have they contracted with a print company?

(I want one)


Another shot of the Enterprise and Concorde 1983


I saw a Concorde take off with full afterburners from Oshkosh airshow at dusk from the theater in the woods with over half the Apollo astronauts chatting about anything and everything in the early 90s and that is still one of the coolest experiences ever. Some rando moonwalker stopped midsentence, everyone stopped what they were doing, everyone slowly turned toward the runway as the rumble got louder and louder. Then BAM, Concorde with crazy exhaust rotating right past us.

Truly an amazing time to grow up in

I had a poster of this on the wall in my den for many years.

You can still take a photo of a Concorde and Shuttle together at the USS Intrepid museum in NYC.

Priceless picture to aviation history.


Does anyone know where I can get a proper poster of this

John Kiker, the pilot and engineer at NASA that came up with using a 747 as a Shuttle transport, was a family friend. He built scale remote control models of the 747 and Shuttle to prove the concept. I’m pretty sure they’re at the Smithsonian.


It’s… Beautiful!

Wish there was an audio clip to go with it. I can only imagine taking that photo.

This picture just screams 20th century vibes and I love it

My roommate in college worked for NASA. We got to go to this. The Concorde flyby included afterburners and the noise was unbelievable. Loud and awesome!

Feels like humanity peaked here tbh

Life is full of many pictures, that will never be taken again…. a good Photographer does it, every day.

It looks so stunning.. Best time to grow up

Is that LAX or Dullas?

This picture just screams 20th century vibes and I love it

The future was then.

I love that I managed to live in the period where I could have Micro Machines versions of this

Was this taken at Mos Eisley

I just screenshot this picture.

So you’re wrong.

And I’m pedantic.

>A picture that can never be taken again

*every picture that has ever or will ever be taken

All pictures can never be taken again

Flight line rd

I love living next to IAD because I can look up and see a united plane

Mk but that’s pretty much every picture, technically.

Actually yes….it can be taken again. Everything in that photo can be duplicated.

Arenā€™t All pictures pictures that cannot be taken again? Asking for a pedant.

And this is why we practice the 3-2-1 backup rule!

Holy expired film stock, Batman.

are they mating

Honestly, brings me to tears. šŸ˜¢

I saw this in Superman Returns, didn’t end well.

Ok, but who’s the girl hitching a ride?
(I can’t make out the name on the orbiter)
Apparently it’s Enterprise (technically not one of the big 5, but a beauty nonetheless)

Got to see one of (maybe the last one?) of a shuttle delivery a few years ago. Was so cool!

Long live Concorde

I took a screenshot. *fight me*

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