A real piece of work.

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Yeah, but Caitlin is also a bigot so they fit well in this regard.

And undergoes multiple gender confirming medical procedures. (Hair and jaw).

Because it’s not about trans. It’s about who kisses the best ass and doesn’t make them feel stupid.

“Buckle up, buckaroos!” 😜

You know they fucked

Say it! Two pieces of shit!

A real piece of shit — fixed it for you

Catlyn still has bigger Balls than Elon.

I’m beginning to think the word “woke” is just a buzzword……..

The cognitive dissonance is staggering in this picture.

Pretty sure this pic violates at least one federal law.

Musk is apprently OK if you’re transgender as long as you hate yourself and don’t talk about transgender people being killed, assaulted, or discriminated against just because of who they are

What a cute couple.

Looks like he’s losing his hair AGAIN.

One makes cars that kill people and the other drives….

Hey Caitlin, you’ve wone the decathlon how about the elonathon.

My God, how badly he is aging.

These people stand for nothing. It’s almost pointless pointing out the endless amount of hypocrisies. All they care about is wealth and power.

Caitlin has a bigger dick than Elon.

What? That’s what I heard. Until Elon confirms or denies it, then I’m just gonna go with that.

Isn’t Caitlyn transphobic herself?

Just learned today his dad impregnated his own step daughter.


This is one of the few posts on here I most definitely get behind. Your children are your children no matter what. I can understand being upset with your child but you don’t disown your child when they are going through absolute identity crisis.

Leon’s boobs are Bigger!! Time for a Bigger Manbra!!

Caitlin is the pick me of trans people. She’s just not like other girls, okay?

did Elon get tits?

Looks like washing isnt the only thing that gets pegged at Elons house

Jenner holds very similar views on transgender people as Musk does.

Neither has any principals outside of self advancement+ I’d say they were quite well matched

What a fucking douche. And his douche partner.

We need this POS on the first thing smoking to Mars.

She and he stand for nothing.

Why does Musk always look “greasy” in photos nowadays?

He looks like that sweaty middle-aged dude walking around in summer, with BO that provides him with loads of personal space.

I mean, they’re not that far apart, really.
Elon prior to his hair transplant helps them relate, right?

The Trump freak show is exhausting and stressful. I hate this and didn’t vote for it.

Of course. Caitlin Jenner has influence. What has his own child ever done? /s

Rules for thee & not for (kj) & do what I say or I’ll get mad (em)

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