A right royal burn

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Prince Philip was a Nazi?

This guy should go back to Hooters and have a foursome with his guys.

Guys I am new to american politics, are all American politicians say shits like this ?

Meghan is free to live laugh love. Queen E didn’t even enjoy her twenties

The hate for Markle is so baffling, has she even done anything bad? Why are they so afraid of her

Nick Adams is a troll account. Don’t bite.

What’s wrong with Meghan Markle?

“Nazi cousin” who literally served in the Royal Navy and fought AGAINST Nazi Germany.


That guy’s asshole has got to be pretty crispy from shitting fire after getting his ass burned that bad.

They (Royal Family) also live off of taxpayer’s money while sitting on thrones, and wearing gold.

Thought people *like* Nick Adams hated “welfare moochers” and socialism.

Which queen Elizabeth they talking about because the 1st was a total feminist hoe that discarded powerful men like they were nothing but tracks on her mood card..

I doubt our Nick could handle either of them.

He’d be screaming at the first minute “these women are bitches trying to act like men, I want a trad wife ,not this brute”.

Fun fact: ultra conservative men like Nikky tend tohave daughters that go to the OF side because they’re lacking in a father figure.

Is Nick Adams still a thing?

Isn’t this the guy that had “Alpha Male” proudly emblazoned on his account?

And who expects family members to tolerate overt racism toward her granddaughter-in-law and her great-grandchild. Liz had a lot to answer for.

republicans supporting the monarchy is the weirdest shit going around.

They were 3rd cousins. That’s not even 1% of DNA in common.

Oversee the mostly peacful transition from Empire to Commonwealth, serve in the Royal auxiliary as an engineer, rule through multiple global and national catastrophees and still be one of the most well known and popular monarchs in the 21st century, with an almost record breaking reign it lasted so long

Dont forget she was officially introduced to her husband Phillip when he was 18 and she was 13 by his Uncle Lord Mountbatten (of the Battenburgs) who was later accused of repeated child sex offenses in a children’s home in Ireland, which many Irish people would contend was the reason he was killed by the IRA.

She also sired a chap now called Prince Charles who has mentored by his great-uncle Lord Mountbatten, and who was very close with the pedophillic necrophiliac Jimmy Savile, and once granted use of a cottage to his friend Peter Ball after he was convicted of child sexual abuse.

I love that the response is serious. That is exactly what that dude and his type would prefer lol

Listen, I’m not a monarchist or whatever and Elizabeth was by no means the saint some people make her out to be, but this isn’t entirely correct either.

First, Prince Philip was not a Nazi. His family had ties to the Third Reich but he himself did not show any indication of agreeing with their ideology.

Secondly, marrying your *distant* cousin is not a moral wrong. They weren’t close enough for consanguinity to be a huge concern, it’s weird but not harmful.

Thirdly, while protecting Andrew was shady as fuck and she should be called out for it, we can’t blame people for everything their kids do. Andrew is shitty entirely on his own, let’s not act like she deliberately raised him to be a sex offender.

Nick adams is a satire account btw

Il like how everybody is debating Philipp’s family while totally eclipsing the Andrew part of the comment.

I thought we weren’t supposed to judge people for things they can’t control?

There are so many people to look up to, it makes you wonder how this human landed on the fake royals.

“Have white skin” implying that its a bad thing?


Meghan chose to marry a man who dressed as a Nazi at a costume party. Neither are great people

Elizabeth and her entire family were Nazi sympathizers – there is footage of them parading around the garden doing Nazi salutes as kids.

She was also incredibly racist, she had the equality legislation changed so that the palace could avoid hiring anyone who was black. Literally the only “firm” in the UK that can discriminate based on race.

Same for environmental legislation – lots of wildlife crimes on royal estates that would get anyone else is very serious trouble.

As an aside, that is the “crime” Harry committed – marrying a black woman – nothing more nothing less.

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