A sign for Trump’s third term and beyond

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This is beyond dumb. Caesar gets assassinated by the congressman for trying to become an emperor. They fall into it anyway after lots of infighting. Why would they want this, or use this imagery? Unless they don’t understand history, and they don’t read.

They do realize that Cesar got killed for trying to become an emperor right?

And as we all know, by the third term it’s likely too late to abort.

Roman salute and emperor reference all in one?

Beyond? What, are they going to taxidermy and rig his corpse with animatronic servos so they can roll him out to dance to AI generated rants?

I’ll be surprised if he makes it through this term. That much McDonald’s has a cost.

RIP America

I never thought in my wildest dreams growing up and learning about the history of America that I’d see something as terrible and evil as this.

We lost everything didn’t we? We lost freedom. We lost our trusted institutions. We lost the Constitution, and we lost America.

It’s about to get terrible and dark here. Covid will seem like a day in the park……

Oh my God.

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Setting aside how insidious and unamerican this fascism and cult of personality is… have they not seen Trump lately? He looks so much older and decrepit than he did even just four years ago when he looked like 300 pounds of chewed bubble gum. He’s a hollowed out husk of an already inept and unproductive man. He’s making Biden look vigorous and charismatic. Trump is already turning into Musk’s sock puppet, but he can’t be that when he’s dead, so if I were the mastermind behind this fascist coup, I’d be starting to shape the narrative for a post-Trump movement. On the other hand, maybe this sort of propaganda is really serving to prevent the GOP base from starting to rally around new leaders that they don’t control so there are no challengers to whoever the next chosen puppet is.

Do they know what happened to Caesar?

i got a feeling, what with trump’s recent antics and luigi mangione’s hit on that ceo, that someone is going to make sure trump isn’t around for another term.

we need to abort this psyop before its too late

This is not the time to become complacent. “This is ridiculous” this is fucking reality. Bring on the goddammit downvotes.

Et Tu, Elon?

That’s funny, “Third-Term Project” is also what my friends and I call the guillotine we built. Small world.

They clapped JFK for less than this

This isn’t real, right? Please tell me this isn’t real.

If they somehow make it so a president can serve three terms, and trump runs for a third term, hopefully Obama will as well.

Corny ass shit

lmao this is a parody right?

[Caesar got stabbed 23 times (to death in case that wasn’t clear) by his senators because he was grasping for too much power and the senators would fear he would (and he would according to historians) endanger the Roman Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Julius_Caesar)

Take that down, walk it outside to a safe place, and burn it.

Sic sempre tryannis

Embarrassed of my country. We are in the worst timeline.

And the funny thing is even if we do get him out of office every single fucking one of you will forget and vote R next election like they aren’t literal nazis.

Trump 1947-2025

Make America Sane Again

Americans- you really need to take this as a serious attempt to form a dictatorship. Dictatorships are never good for the common man where your freedoms are slowly eroded. You might not be in the crosshairs right now but at some point you will be if you do not conform to one of the hundreds of standards that are slowly implemented.

Speak up now for the sake of generations to come

Where is this? Can we get some verification? u/mods?

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