A slice of my grandparent’s wedding cake was preserved in a tin for 70 years. Totally mummified!

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Is it frozen?

Eat it you coward

If you want to get it appraised, I suggest Lubeck. He’s the world’s foremost appraiser of vintage pastry.

Why, he can even tell the wedding cake of one of the most dashing and romantic Nazi sympathizers of the entire British Royal family from a $2.19 Entenmann’s.

I really hope to never own so much stuff that this happens to me. There will never be a tin hidden away for decades.

Let’s get this out on to a tray

Someone call Steve1989!

“Let’s get this out onto a tray…”

This is not just mildly interesting /r/GrandmasPantry would love to see this 🤣

Looks like the frosting. The cake still there?

Interesting, looks like the icing turned brown over time

Don’t let Elaine see it.



Pull an Elaine.

I wish to partake of the ancient cake so that I too may finally know love and death.

Can i eat it? Pls

At least lick it….. You have to be a little curious about the taste.

How does it smell?!…

Why did they preserve the cake instead of eating it?

Send it to Ashens

I bet it’s still good


Moldly interesting

That’s some craftmanship.

How is this not moldy??


RFK would eat it.

70 years ago was 1955, not 1935. You’re all welcome.


Need to see a bald british man eat this over a nasty brown couch

A cross is an instrument of murder. This seems to check out honestly.

Mmmmmmmmm forbidden cake

Just admit it, you tasted it 😅

Send it to LA Beast, He’ll eat it.

Miss Havisham?

This was a done thing way back in the day in the UK. My grandma did this and my parents saved the fondant decorations off a cake from my baptism.

Looks good to me.

Your grandma looks like Jackie O

What was the gain of doing such a thing. Who started this trend. It’s cake, now 70 year old cake. It’s my understanding it was for the christening of the first born and/or first anniversary. I guess they forgot.

Your grandpa has a very modern face. That’s a face that knows what Uber eats is.

Sweet photo. (no pun intended).



They forgot to put in a stay fresh packet

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