A Tortoise saved his species from extinction

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Oh, so when he sleeps with hundreds to save his species he’s a hero, but when I do it I get banned from family gatherings. Got it.

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Look at this madlad.

I used to run a dating service for chickens

but I was struggling to make hens meet.

You can say Sex. No need to censor it…..

So now the entire species is inbred? Are there no significant consequences for that?

So 800 is the limit

so did a female black robin and barely anyone talks about it. A singular female bird saved her entire species from extinction.

sax addicted? jazz tortoise…


Dude works his butt (dick?) off trying to save his species from extinction…

Labelled as a sex addict.

Dude’s a goddamn hero! Respect him as such.

The true GOAT. Play on playa.


Hold your head up high, you fucking legend

Thanks for censoring the word


Damnn gotta do everything around here

He said…*My nob hurts”…no further comments.

Sex addiction? Uh no that’s not how you spell Hero.

Fucking legend

He fucked his way to survive. What a beautiful life lesson!

He’ll yeah brother

hero in a full shell

Finally, a male I can look up to.

Look at that face, he knows what he did and is proud lmao

Thank you, Nick Cannon

tortoise simply gives a fck. not possible for humans

The species is gonna be so inbred that they’ll turn out to be Trump supporters


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