A tough decision

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blue, i don’t take drugs

How is that a tough decision unless you’re a fucking junkie?

Blue easily

If you had 0 health side effects from the drugs then you wouldn’t feel anything from them.

Food. Drugs are expensive

Clearly blue, drugs are overrated and good food can hit that spot

Most drugs (including alcohol) are some type of mild toxin or chemical that results in a temporary impairment. Your telling me I can do all the drugs I want and not get to enjoy any of them?

Eating is the only thing my budget can afford me. I’ll take the blue one.

How is no one picking red. Zero consequences for all enhancement drugs. You can literally become an anime character.

Edit: I said anime only because of the ridiculous nature. Imagine Superman without flight.

Im choosing the red pill, its cheaper to do coke and run everywhere, that will help with gas prices and negate all the unhealthy foods that id be eating if i took the blue pill.

Anyone remotely considering the redpill is a worthless junkie.

When your life is not shitty, you don’t need drugs.

Blue please

Blue pill in a heartbeat. No competition.

Is addiction a negative health consequence of drug use?

Right one is useless to me since I already can eat anything without health consequences. Including sugars and fatty foods. The key is in the amounts I consume.

The left one is the only real choice for me. I smoke and drink alcohol. The biggest “advantage” of being capable to use drugs just goes to waste on me.

So for the most saying left choosers have to be complete junkies does not apply.

Definitely the blue pill. I’m drug tested randomly for employment purposes.. unless the grey area of this is that homeless do to joblessness because of drugs would have negative consequences on my health so ipsofacto, I’d be able to avoid that issue?

Blue all the way fam.

I’m a teetotaler (and a teenager), so definitely blue

Gym bro: Blue pill. Can you imagine the gains? Red pill. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE GAINS!?

Blue obviously. I never take drugs

If I pick right. What body fat % my body stick to?

Red, superpowers here I come

Do I get to not pay the Australian sin tax kn tobaco and grog, since it’s not a sin, cause it’s not unhealthy? In which case ciggirets and beer all the way.

Be able to eat anything sounds way better than drugs. You can eat metal and be fine, how isnt that cooler?

Eat the blue, you can now eat anything, include drugs. The blue pill gives you everything

just eat the drugs

Easiest choice ever. I already have the blue pill by default

Drugs 💯💯💯 drugs makes all food taste good lol. Even healthy food 🤣🤣🤣

Blue duh

Everything about drug is negative effects lmao

I wanna make my co workers cry.

Easily blue

Red for Ozempic and then eat all the pizza.

I mean, left one will let me go on E without any of the risks, sooooo

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