A true Christian here

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Ah yes, the ‘Compassion Through Artillery’ doctrine. Truly inspiring leadership. 🙄

Why would she care?

In September 2023 she aimed a shot at the back of someone’s head in a theatre full of families.

How is she still relevant after that handjob incident?

No hate like christian love.

I know it’s overused, but it’s perfect for this.

Yeah I mean it’s not like the Bible says “You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself” or “You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien; for you were aliens in the land of Egypt” oh wait those are direct quotes said directly by god in the Bible

First of all, they didn’t send the tanks as if they’re going into battle to Ukraine. They sold Ukraine tanks so they can use them themselves against Russia, the aggressor.

Second of all, yes she can’t wait to use their military against any perceived threat that’s at their border or inside their border. And thirdly, she doesn’t give a shit about God. She never did. It’s just something she does for a show so that she can garner more votes.

There’s no love like Christian hate.

Remember that restaurant she and her husband owned? It’s now a (pearls clutched) Mexican restaurant.

The maga idiocy is strong with this one

So Mexico is going to just happily accept a coordinated military front pointed at them

She is the worst of humanity.

Christian nationalist with a sophomore HS education. Got to love the GOP…

This alone shows what your GOP think of immigration and refugees; utter lack of respect for lives.

Another DUI hire

Texanman square

Master of the drunken Christian hand job . Carpet bagger and raiser of criminals. Opinion feels kinda moot with that track record.

I mean, even if you agreed with shooting migrants. Tanks would still be a poor choice. They are a bunch of unarmored unarmed soft targets. Humvees with 240’s would do more than enough. And tank’s and shells are expensive.

Now that is obviously shitty for many reasons . But I never miss the chance to point out that miss 4 tries to get a GED said something else stupid just on it’s face with no other considerations.

What a complete idiot she talks like some bar hoe .

Polpot fan club

Christianity is a successful religion because of its limitless capacity for justified violence, death and suffering on its opponents. It is it not a religion based o peace, tolerance or love.

Every politician should have to take a written 10th grade world history exam.

Yeah, the “refugees” lost my sympathy when I realized they’re ignoring the hospitality of multiple countries because they’d rather go for the US.
Don’t tell me you’re starving when you’re demanding a steak dinner while ignoring a bowl of rice.

Pesky Mexicans sneaking over the border to put out fires.

Yeah, shoot the fuck out of everything in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona with tanks. Literally nobody cares/will miss a shred of it

No hate like Christian love

Yahweh slaughtered babies by the millions.

Another one of those Christians who only seem to follow religion when it suits them.

Eat the rich.

Thinking you’re going to get a good politician and ending up with Boebert is the equivalent of going to the theatre with a whore and only leaving with a hand job.

more christian love

Republicans are fully ready to kill Jesus if he ever comes back

Shes *literally* saying: “Shoot Mexicans, not Russians!”

Next it’ll be: “America first! Send our tanks to Greenland!”

Geez – this woman. 🫣

You guys love Christianity when it can be used as moral high ground.

Send refugees to theater, she will ‘handle’ them

I’d much rather see police at every theatre to keep drunk perverts like her out.

Yet, she supports sending tanks to help Israel.

Clown world.

Depends on which god you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about Yahweh, (which you probably are) then It’s extremely god-like. Yahweh’s magic book details lots and lots of truly genocidal horrors, perpetrated for the flimsiest of justifications.

Invasion requires the military

Well shit if you live on the border and saw it first hand sometimes you wish you had one just to go to the store in never mind hurting anything just protection for yourself. Every intersection looks like a family reunion it’s sad for everyone.

Approved. Shoot criminals.

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