A UnitedHealthcare CEO murderer lookalike competition was held today in New York.

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I’m head cannoning that the guy is actually there

Cops are getting creative.

I hope he did the funniest thing ever and entered. Of course, he would come in 2nd place too.


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One of these isn’t like the others.

bro on the left is not even trying

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Just in case anyone’s researching, the jacket is likely Levi’s
Men’s Sherpa Lined Two Pocket Hooded Trucker Jacket.

I saw video from the event. There was a group of girls filming a kpop dance video right behind them. Really iconic stuff happening in New York this week.

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This guy on TikTok wins

It would be so funny if one of these was the real killer

Usually a suspect look alike group is called a line up 🤷🏽‍♀️


It wasn’t a competition, it was a gathering… like a sedge of cranes, a murder of crows, or an army of caterpillars – it’s all friendly among friends.

Definitely NOT held by the FBI

I’m Spartacus!

Aka sexiest man alive contest

I very much appreciate that they are all wearing very different jackets. Very on point.

It’d be so solid if he was actually in this pic. Lmao!

I thought the shooter was attending a Jake Gyllenhall look a like competition


Some of them look closer the other pictures the police claimed was him!

I love NY

God Bless America. 🦅🇺🇸🎇

New York moving closer and closer to becoming Gotham.

“I AM SPARTACUS!!!” – Everybody

Nothing like a little festive spirit to get us all in the mood.


Nah. We all know it was Jason Bourne

,,If I am one in a milion that means there are over 8,000 people like me”.

This is terrible! It’s like only one of them even tried. #6 from the left has my vote.

If the killer knew in advance he would get this much support, they could have staged a whole “Thomas Crowne Affair” get away sequence in the Port Authority with all these lookalikes.

Be funny if he was one of the guys in that lineup and no one recognizes him.

That guy should participate.
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The movement begins.

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