A Whale skeleton found in the hot dunes of Egypt

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It’s easy to see where all the story of giant mythical creatures came from when you see things like this.

I bet you can find the rests of a bowl of petunias nearby

Looks more like a Krayt Dragon from Tatooine

Of course the whale died there. The desert is no place for a whale


Now we know where that poor whale from Hitchhiker’s Guide landed!


We all know this is a sand worm from Beetlejuice. Nice try.

O no. The shrine is burried under all that sand.

RFK drove it there

Sorry, left my whale bones there. Iā€™ll come pick them up now.

This confirms the popular theory that whales built the pyramids.

Botw whale skeleton


Just a relevant anecdote from my grandfatherā€™s time in north Africa back in the 40s: his local attachĆ© for his unit brought them to see a whale skeleton in the desert, and while the guys were all marveling at of the size of it, the guide reportedly said ā€œthe only people who donā€™t believe the story of Jonah are Christians.ā€ That stuck with my grandpa enough that he told the story often, usually following with ā€œI donā€™t know if I believe in Jonah, but I certainly believe in the whale,ā€ with his creaky laughter. Always makes me smile to remember it.

Help. I need Kevin Bacon.

What was a whale doing in a desert? Is it stupid ?

When you use Apple maps instead of Google.

Look sir, droids!


Real life Tanaris.

Checkmate atheists. How do you explain this in anyway other than a worldwide flood? /s

Reminds me of the opening sequence on Tatooine in A NEW HOPE. SeeThreepio in front, skeleton of something in the background.

I was hooked from that moment on.

Was there a pot of petunias nearby?

Krayt Dragon (Tatooine)

Gojira were right!!

That is one beached whale.


Comb the desert!

Have they been laid out like that on purpose? The way it arcs seems too much for a whale. Mammals in water swim by moving their tails up and down, not sideways.

Imagine the work Luciferā€™s demons had cut out for them here. I wonder if they turned the bones to stone right away, or after carrying them to the desert, do they wouldnā€™t have to carry as much weight?

Bro was out swimming far from home

Itā€™s a Graboid from Tremors!

Fair to say that’s been there a *while*…

Nice try. This is without a doubt the skeleton of a dragon!

Eastern Asians in the past would have for sure believed that’s the skeleton of a dragon (Long)

The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly.

Thatā€™s the krait dragon skeleton from Star Wars a new hope

Ra finally managed to slay Apophis.

I can understand why they used to think dragons were real.

Shai-Hulud ?

Hot Whales

No wonder it died. What tf was it doing in the middle of a desert

No wonder it died. That’s no place for a whale.

So are the oceans rising or falling? Iā€™m confused.

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