A win is a win

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It just works.

My friend bet me that her kid wouldnโ€™t eat my homemade chili. I told him it was my secret Ninja Turtle chili recipe and he ate four bowls.

At this point, just tell her broccoli is from the Heeler garden and call it a day.

My younger brother wouldn’t eat sprouts. But when we called the hulk sprouts he would devour them. Despite being terrified of the hulk. That’s tot logic for ya.

Sometimes all ot takes is the right motivation.

My nieces preschool had โ€œtry it Tuesdayโ€™sโ€ where they would try new foods, beets Brussels sprouts, marmalade etc things kids typically ignore. They used a thumbs up/thumbs down rating. Itโ€™s been 4 years since sheโ€™s been in that class and still the only way sheโ€™ll try new foods is if we use the thumbs up/thumbs down rating system.
๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ a win is a win

My nephew wouldn’t eat hamburgers. He came over one day and ate 3 “crabby patties” though.

TBF there are plenty of adults that still do shit like this. I used to know someone who disliked SLICED BANANAS. She is pushing 30 and likes whole bananas, but dislikes sliced bananas.

As a child, I wouldn’t eat burgers, they absolutely disgusted me. My parents had the bright idea to call them “Moon Burgers” and say they’re made on the moon.

They became my favourite food for a whileย 

Parents fault because… wait this is actually good, muscle memory kicked in

Fed is best. It’s why my mother let me eat stuff like butter sandwiched between saltines. I imagine she was like “fuck it, she’s getting calories and some fat, and she’s eating SOMETHING for once”. I would also eat shit like raw tofu with cold tomato sauce? Child me had the worst palate.

Taught a kid who had to go to a dietitian because he would not eat and his weight was getting so low it became harmful to his health. Mom and dad tried everything but the kid just would not eat anything besides something silly like Ritz crackers (I forget what he ate, but you get the idea.)

I told dad to go to wawa (the only other food he would eat) and ask if he could buy a stack of to go cups and to serve all of his food from them instead. Little man was eating chicken and broccoli Alfredo, Fruit, healthy homemade sandwiches, you name it. The ONLY thing different was that it came from a container from Wawa instead of right from the kitchen.

Involving children in the preparation of the food makes them far more likely to try and like the foods.

My brother wouldn’t eat tomatoes throughout his childhood. It was quite a battle as my parents hated waste of food. Eventually in his late teens he relented and ate one… big mistake.. turned out he was allergic to them. Somehow deep down in his mind, he knew.

In all my years ive never heard of kids not eating eggs

My mom loves telling a story about me walking into the room as a toddler, saying, “I like fruits and vegetables now because Barney says I should.” And from that day forward I liked fruits and vegetables.

Maybe you didn’t cook the eggs the way she liked… like.. ever? Did you ask her how she’d like her eggs? Did you try different cooking lengths? Not everyone wants a burnt fried egg, Sarah.

I meanโ€ฆ look at the people bankrupting themselves because of celebrity endorsements of crypto coins. Letโ€™s not pretend adults donโ€™t suddenly love or trust things because a favorite person of theirs says itโ€™s good. Bluey is just a very wholesome influencer. ๐Ÿ˜„

Their kid is old enough to get something at a book fair and they just now understanding this about kids? When I was a kid all I wanted as candy were jawbreakers because they were in Ed, Edd, and Eddie. Even then I knew jawbreakers sucked, but funny TV show guys liked em.

If I told my mom I donโ€™t eat eggs I wouldโ€™ve been cooking for myself haha

If it’s the Bluey recipe, it probably included parts of the egg shell leaving a crunch. Maybe they are just a texture kid. /s

My mom used to refill the Superman peanut butter jar with regular Jif or Skippy. I would not eat any other.

I asked for and got canned spinach after watching popeye when I was a kid. didn’t eat spinach for another 30 years. how the food is prepared is a big part of it…

Our local vege shop owner offered my toddlers “Spiderman apples” once.

By giving away 2 apples that day, he sold hundreds more to us over the next decade.

I thought I hated eggs too until I was about 15. Always thought they were dry and gritty. Then I went to a dennys of all places and had, what were to that point, the best scrambled eggs Iโ€™d ever had in my life.

Turns out my dad is just a shitty cook and overcooks everything.

Just remember it and bring it up later in her life about some of the dumb shit she used to do as a kid. I got a notebook of them ima bring up when my kids get older.

Have you considered you just suck at cooking eggs?

don’t even get me started on teenagers that don’t eat breakfast lol

A friend had a child that refused to eat peas, point blank. when they were offered peti pois on a plate, they scoffed them.

Well I don’t like ketchup but i don’t kind eating tomatoes. I guess there’s just a preference on how you like to eat it.

I know there’s nothing new under the sun, but it still boggles my mind that we had an incredibly popular show about a dog named Blue for years, and then someone came along and made an incredibly popular show about a dog named Bluey. Like… you can just do that?


Blue eggs and ham.

Omelettes arenโ€™t egg, dummy.

She just has to be careful looking up the recipe for the waffle.

Maybe kid just didn’t like the way sarah cooked eggs.

My parents once got me to eat liver and onions by telling me it was E.T.โ€™s favorite food because it was the same color as him.

And of course Iโ€™m a big fan of spinach because of Popeye.

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