A woman in France loses €830,000 because of “Brad Pitt

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The picture on the bottom to the right is peak comedy, i fucking can’t.

Amazing that someone who has 830,000 Euro in the bank can be that naive.

Just how!?

Why would Brad Pitt need money??

Being so naïve and so wealthy at the same time is beyond my undestranding

That’s a huge Pittfall

At least FaceTime/video chat if you are gonna send someone any kind of money.

Natural selection…

The bottom right photo 😂

Nigerians have mastered their craft.

Like the chick in Southern California lost her home and all her money to “johnny depp”

All she has left now is her vibrator, name ‘Pitfall’.

“She divorced her millionaire husband to be with the fake Brad Pitt,” 😭

Not the surgery room selfie 😂😂

proof that money isn’t a measure of intelligence.

Everybody’s talking about this in France, this is worse than embarassing for her !

How does one get that much money *and* believe something like this? Was she sewn into Charlie Brown?

This only further supports what I’ve been saying all along: Brad Pitt is a menace to society.

Zero sympathy. Am I supposed to care about this?

The celebrities who deal with this all the time should set up some amireallytalkingtoX.com service that tells people straight.

If people were using my face like that and I had money I’d be warning people constantly .

Is Brad ok now?

Gullibility is an incurable disease , worse it is intensified by delusion.

Is it possible that she’s working with the scammer to funnel money out of a soon-to-be divorced bank account?

This is currently making a lot of noise (laughs) in France.

The woman has to much money.

Wasn’t there a single moment where she was like, “wait a minute?”

No fking way this happened lmao

Maybe I can pose as Keanu Reeves

Why would Brad Pitt need her money?


When you realize just how dumb people can be…

Sometimes tells me that this lady has failed multiple image captchas in her life.


Wait. He’s cheating on me???

Was this like a “I’m Brad Pitt and gravely ill, I need a million dollars for the surgery” kind of thing? Like the man doesn’t have a million bucks hidden under every room’s floor of his several dozen room mansion for the shits and giggles.

His best role so far.

I didn’t realize Brad was in the hospital so much. Poor guy. 😆

There are people this thick in the head that actually can afford to spend that amount of money casually. That’s depressing…

Looks like she couldn’t rideeeem

That’s the Pitts


This probably drove her to a Pitt of despair

This is peak comedy.

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