A woman submerged her fine china underwater before fleeing California’s 2018 wildfires.

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Imagine being passed down China with that backstory. That’s a lot of pressure not to break any.

Good to know. I’ll do this with my 4070ti super PC and oled monitor.👌🏼

Apparently when Samuel Pepys first became aware of the great fire of London the very first thing he did was to go out into the back yard and bury his parmesan cheese

My house burned down when I was a kid and my brother was looking at my baseball card album on the toilet when the fire started. So he thought it was smart to put my card book in the toilet tank to protect it from the fire. It was not. So instead they were destroyed by water…choose your own adventure.

In Cuba they throw the deckchairs into the pool before a hurricane arrives.

Yes, Mom! I did the dishes. Just don’t go out back.

Smart. That may well be family heirloom China

Why not just relax in the pool and let the fire roll on by?

EDIT: for all the kind ppl giving this a serious answer…thought it would be obvious it was a joke lol. Cheers!

Porcelain’s melting point is 3,275°F so the pool water will boil off before the dish ware reaches a critical point

“There is always china in the pool”.

Save the fine chair-na also!
– Her husband, probably

Reminds me of a story I heard in the Oakland fires in the 1990s where a wine connoisseur was worried about his collection of expensive wine bottles burning so he took his entire collection and threw it into the pool evacuated and realize that his plan worked when he came back and saw all of the wine bottles in perfect condition at the bottom of the pool… And all of the labels floating on top. 

When she came back check on it after the fire, they were fine.

Are the chairs also ancient artifacts ?

Or just figured, “Well since we’re putting shit in the pool…”

Also her fine Home Depot chairs

Chlorine could ruin all the coatings

No, Aunt Vikki, we still do not want your fine china. Yes, I know the sacrifices you made.


And then comes the firefighting heli to refill his water dumping bag scoops up the China dishes an drops them from 50 meters on a burning House…

Floridians do this with lawn furniture they don’t want to be bothered securing during hurricanes!

That roommate that says the dishes need to soak…

but did it work??? is that dumb to ask?? hahah

Grandma only brought out the fine china if she liked you. Otherwise, it was paper plates.

All that effort and when they try to pass it down it will get thrown out because nobody wants that stuff today.

Do fine China even catch fire?

The will of Ohara-Shenzen(CN) lives on.

That’s actually a very good idea.

Lucky they didn’t drain the pool to fight the fire.

that’s actually really smart

The dishes are *done*, man!

And the china is still there 😉

Didn’t work out as well with the TV and stereo.

We used to throw our lawn furniture in our pool when evacuating for a hurricane…FLA.

Why the pool chairs also submerged, are they some expensive fine china thing

My family lost our house in a flood. Everyone expected we’d get maybe a foot or two, so we spent the time we had packing everything we could in the attic, and the rest in our camper trailer. We left, went to the civic center, heard on the radio that the water crested at 30 ft. So we knew our house was gone. We walked out to the parking lot, and someone had stolen our trailer.

This technique was actually recommended by firefighters.

hope it doesnt get scooped up by a helicopter and dumped lol

How much stuff could you put in a pool that would survive the water damage?

I spent the last ten minutes just looking around my house wondering what would survive. :/

“Why can’t they make the whole house underwater?”

— Seinfeld, probably.

The best part is that water and fire cannot rust or burn these.

Think of all the millions worth of priceless art and artifacts that these rich people horded. Up in smoke


I also did that with my nuclear reactor. It barely survived!

Every single person has fine china in their drawers that noone has ever eaten off

Here comes that 7.2 magnitude earthquake

All the kids: “*Damnit!*”.

And her pool lounge chair. Can’t live without that

Woman needs to get a grip

I, too, let my dishes “soak”


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