A young Mavs fan sitting courtside gets beaned by a Kyrie Irving pass

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Foul merchant baiting for signed jersey

The loop makes it seem like they burst into laughter about the kid getting hit after a delay.

No spider senses

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball

Kid is never going to live that down at school

Nobody in the family watching the game. Lol. Boom headshot

Dad was probably on Fanduel

Liked how Brown and Washington checked to see if he was okay.

Dad gotta do better at catching or blocking them hoes

Kid can see with his third eye now fo sho

Good on White to go across the court to check on him

Knowing Kyrie, he’s gonna give the kid his jersey or shoes after the game

That definitely hurt a lot

He puts his hand to his nose and comes away with blood at the end, right? Broken nose? Maybe just a cut from his glasses, but it looked like a lot

Props to the kid, he seemed to be shaking it off pretty quickly.

I don’t understand buying court side seats and not watching the game

I was given courtside seats to a NBL (Australia) game a few years back. I was terrified to take my eye off the ball for this very reason.

Dad whispering “Keep your head down, if you cry more they’ll give me, uh, you a free jersey”

POW right in the kisser. Head on a fuckin swivel, kid

This sure is bringing out the edgy people who feel the need to say the kid deserved it, because his parents are wealthy or he needs to keep an eye on the ball all game like he’s the point guard

These are really dumb comments. So what if a kid was distracted for a few seconds. You go to a NBA game with your family and lock your eyes in for all 48 minutes of the action? Your mom wants to show you a picture and you’re going tell her “Shut up until there’s a timeout”?

Kyrie was like, “sorry, sometimes the Jews control the ball’s trajectory.”

Aw lil buddy

Not gonna lie I laughed too hard at this 😅

Embiid would’ve been out for 3 weeks with swelling on his left knee

That’s some bronze reaction time lmao

I blame the dad.

I got the sound on half way so I thought the announcers were laughing at the kid when the video looped ha.

It’s funny that the clip starts with them laughing because after I watched the clip the first time, autoplay made it seem like the announcers were laughing at the kid.

Okay but why are you sitting courtside and not paying attention?

Keep that head on a swivel when you’re sitting court-side. My friend got nailed at a college game while he was mid-drink by a diving player. He flipped back over his chair awkwardly and fucked up his back pretty good.

what were the commentators laughing about at the start of the clip

dudes in the comments acting like people can’t look away from a game for five seconds and still watch a majority of it lol.


If you’re sitting courtside, keep your head on a swivel.

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