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Why did you censor teenager

“M*rried c*ples tr**ng for b*b* f*r m*nths vs ****************” there, properly censored the meme.

My current situation. Been trying for 2 yrs.
World is unfare indeed.


It is possible cause teenagers biologically have higher levels of hormones and are in better health

Hey, most people are at their most fertile in their early 20’s, and most start declinenafter 25.

It’s not a surprise teens get pregnant. That’s evolution for ya!

The best part about this meme is that it’s a perfect example of survivorship bias (or whatever bias this actually is). Teens and adults have sex all the time (not me though) and they come out perfectly fine without a pregnancy. When adults try to get pregnant, they do pretty often, too. The thing is, we only hear about the sensational stories more often, that is, the stories where teens get pregnant, and adults fail to.

Why would you censor a word that has nothing to do with the slur 💀

Its like censoring the name of the country Nigeria, what’s left would be “ia” what the fk is “ia”

Ngl that’s beyond woke 💩 that is happening here

Too cool for shcool.

I swear if that mf is real this world is ACTUALLY fucked up

sh cool

What the hell is teenager censored for? Reddit is the wild west of social media, so fuck that fucking censoring shit.

Should’ve put the Turkish shooter guy in there


Biology works *shocking*

Mate. Dude. Mate.

I got my first girlfriend pregnant the night I lost my virginity.

I was so drunk she literally had to carry/drag me home from the bus stop.

I woke up to her Dad inviting me to breakfast.

Neither of these pictures express the gut punch ‘Oommph’ teenage me woke up to. My (almost) Mother in Law chased me down the street with a knife. Not because I knocked up her daughter, she just hadn’t taken her meds that day.

I’d happily trade in my ‘Losing my Virginity’ story for a bottle of whiskey.

Jameson please.



And that’s how I was conceived/j

I just came for the comments lol

It is just that the world is unfair.

Single me: Yeah

What are all those scopes for?

99.9% accurate as fuck

Are these goggles a real thing or is it shopped?

150 years ago mariage age in britian was 8 and also in some states in america. today grown up acting like children

A moment of silence for that guys right ear

what’s wrong with writing a normal sentence instead of censoring. It’s REDDIT

Biology and Materiality if fuck’t in terms of coexisting

Like biologically best time to have a baby is around 12…15

And at the same time best time to have a baby is around 25…30 if you have right rob and maybe even a house

Everything is fuck’t in terms of breeding our days

My grandfather meet my grandfather around 16 and married and have kid around age of 18 including having own house and 20 Hectares farm with was only way earn money and all of these in 2th world country

And what I accomplished in ages of 18? Not even a small part of what my grandfather accomplished of his age I doing 10 hours 6 days job and I don’t even have time to eat basic meals because all free time I using for sleeping I don’t have house or anything im sleep inside car and right now I writing this while taking shit in my job

No shit birth rate is so low and only going down

having a child as early as you can is the best way if you want children. That way you can drop out of adult daycare aka high school and take care of your child rent free at your parents place until 18. By that time its a toddler, and much easier to take care of than a helpless baby when you turn 18, and if youre parents arent cold theyll help you raise it while you do studies or work. and when the kid is 16, it can be a friend since its only like half your age at 32

Reported it under “minor abuse or sexualization”, maybe this will teach you not to self censor yourself

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