According to his trans daughter Vivian, Elon Musk paid for sex-selective IVF to ensure he had sons, suggesting he wanted to avoid having daughters.

By carabla
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Vivian is so awesome!

I feel so bad for how the sp3rm d0n0r has been treating her for her whole life.ย 

He hates her because sheโ€™s a failed product ๐Ÿ˜”
Rotten mf.

Given how creepy he is around women, this is probably for the best.

I continually hope Vivian has sources of happiness in her life.

even without her posting this, i believe it. *allegedly* grimes only agreed to it because she was “allowed” to have a girl.

โ€˜I was going against the product that was soldโ€™ just a chilling line to read, Vivian is so well spoken and I truly apepricate how open she is about all of this.

He seems to only be involved with the daughters he has with Shivon. I recall that thereโ€™s been a rumor for a while that Grimes had to โ€˜begโ€™ to have a daughter with him (grain of salt), itโ€™s just heartbreaking for all children involved.

He essentially views them as ego-boosting products because we all know he doesn’t do any real parenting. How fucking depressing. I always hope that she knows how brave she is.

Isn’t this quite well known or had it just been assumed?

As sad as this is, it doesnโ€™t surprise me. Of course he did that. Heโ€™s a damn Nazi. If anyoneโ€™s gonna dabble in eugenics, itโ€™s him.

Every day I hear another thing about Elon Musk that makes me wonder how the hell you can be that hateful of a person.

Don’t him and Grimes have an IVF daughter? The one that cried during that Grimes interview.

I often think that there’s no possible way I can hate Elmo Skum more than I already do.
And every time I think this, I’m proven wrong.

Vivian is such a badass and I love that sheโ€™s speaking out. I canโ€™t imagine what sheโ€™s been through with that waste of space as her dadโ€ฆ Iโ€™m hopeful sheโ€™s in a good space mentally. And Iโ€™m glad we have her on our team.

I could honestly believe it, he seems extremely fragile and self absorbedย 

Viv i love you ๐Ÿ’˜

So we have Elon, who only wants male heirs, and Trump, who only wants daughters to fuck. Sounds like a hyper dynasty to me. The beginning of a new Habsburg.

We are in sci-fi dystopia territory

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Musk is so incredibly disgusting. The hatred he has for women is sick. I admire Vivian so much for speaking loudly about what a horrible person he is. Vivian is the coolest and I wish her all the best.

Maybe it’s just me but I thought this was obvious?

He’s a eugenius!

Every time Elon pulls the, โ€œmY sOn iS dEaD!!!โ€ card, I canโ€™t help but wonder how Justine feels about him referring to her very much alive, well, and thriving daughter, when she [Justine] is the one who actually held their ACTUAL dead son in her arms as he died

Iโ€™m really curious to see how this generation of designer babies deals with this. Such a complex realization.

I think he is a misogynist and believes that women are inferior to men.

I think itโ€˜s pretty clear that he is a white supremacist and basically only want male children because of the typical male descendant quirk that many insecure misogynists or heavily religous man share.

Spreading his geneseed and last name via the male lineage. This guy will never stop to have more children like he is some modern day Attila.

I’m sure he’s going to make a big deal about how generous he is now that once you have a son with him first, you can tack on IVF daughter as a freebie. Totally makes up for his lack of philanthropic efforts and treating solving world hunger as a joke.

He needs to be neutered

Who is surprised

I thought that this was common knowledge? i remember reading an article where that came up years ago. He told Grimes that she was going to raise their daughter and he would raise the son. Like, he didn’t want anything to do with his daughter.

Iโ€™ve wondered this for awhile but not looked into it too much, maybe others may know more – Vivian seems to be supportive of her Mum (I believe she used her Mumโ€™s surname now) but I donโ€™t believe sheโ€™s called her Mum out on also being part of this. Iโ€™ve seen portray Justine as being sensible and normal but she went along with this as well?

I still find it amazing that scum like Elon Musk has an impressive daughter like that.

What a terrible human being Elon really is! More power to you, Vivian

i love her

Can someone more educated than me explain what she means by โ€œmonetary transactionsโ€?

I love that Vivian is so strong, but my heart breaks for that little girl who had to grow up dealing with this. Elon doesn’t deserve to be a dad.

Vivian is absolutely ruthless to her bigot dad and its so satisfying. I just love how strongly she is dealing with the hate and trolling. She is amazing.

This explains the entire Republican Party.

Her understanding of the situation is really mature but also so sad.

I wonder if his other โ€œkidsโ€ feel like products too.

There is absolutely no way he isnโ€™t selecting very specifically for sex at birth and any other traits he can discern. He is a eugenicist through and through.


I wish nothing but the best for Vivian

Sex selection for this reason is completely unethical and there’s a reason it’s banned in other countries. The US won’t let you abort a fetus but will happily make a batch of embryos in a dish and ditch the undesirable ones. Backwards place.

Are you saying that someone who pays for sex selection hates the opposite sex?

I hate Elon but calling IVF babies products is fucked up

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