Acting like they’re sending him to Arkham ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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He shoulda been Time person of the year

They’re representing him as a terrorist. They’re going to try to convince you he’s the threat.

This is what happens when you scare the living shit out of rich people.

The same Bane that beat up a billioniare?

Is this supposed to discorage copycats? Making him look like a serious bad ass will definitely do that! It certainly won’t add to the mythology being built about him…. you know making him look as dangerous as Black Beard and shit.ย 

This photo deserves a soundtrack.

They keep taking pictures of him but he literally cannot have a bad photo
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They’re wanting to make him look powerless (and show rich folks how much they care) but they are just making him look bigger than life.

Everybody not in orange is bitchmade in this pic.

So what’s the official reason he’s been given this much security? Because they can’t really believe that you can sell that a man who shot a 50-year old in the back needs all hands on deck, lol.

He’s probably the safest man in America right now.ย  He could walk through a crowd and people would quietly part, Maud’Dib

Hey – look at everyone who DIDNโ€™T catch him. Leave it to another state to have to do it.

They want us to hate him SO badly… sorry, but it ain’t working ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ

This is some crazy imagery. Like.. the dude didn’t even kill anyone IMPORTANT.

No World Leader, Religious leader, etc. He killed a fucking CEO and THIS is the response? jfc

Why is Mayor Adams there?

They didn’t need this many people to take captain america into custody. He’s got the fucking mayor walking behind him!

These idiots are going to inspire so many copycats. Someone out there is going to want this level of fame

Is that guy in the front in NYC or Afghanistan? Jesus. Tone it down.

This dude becomes more likable solely focused on how hard the images go

โ€œNiggas get shot everyday Bโ€

Naw somebody gonna put this on a t shirt

Just remember the White kid that gunned down 9 black elderly churchgoer in South Carolina was taken to McDonalds before they booked him.

“There goes my hero”

This feels too much. Their trying to make an example. Where is this level when theres a school shooter.

The school shooter wanted to start a race war.

Some guy killed a corrupt CEO.

Only one was labeled as a terrorist.

2 Justice systems.

Free Luigi!!!

They’re not guarding him. They’re trying to keep the fans back. /s

Imagining a bunch of folks trying to pay his commissary, his bail, etc.


In one shot the fucking helicopter was following behind them. Straight michael bay movie shit lmao

The whole things a circus. The shooter sent a message that was heard around the world, loud and clear. The rich and powerful are sending one back

They just wanted to be a part of the photo op. I’m surprised they didn’t bring out the Death Eaters.

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They really do base the value of a life on how much you make.

This is so embarrassing, not only for the country as a whole, but for every single one of those weak ass cops shaking in their boots over a single unarmed man.

Need that tshirt…

I’ve seen this called “dramatic” and whatever else and..nope, I’m sorry, it’s not. You wanna give them a chance to fucking Jack Ruby this dude? Hell no. In fact, let’s get more security, they’re not doing fuckall else.


Luigi had them like


No one is going to shoot our Luigi, what’s with the army of “protection?” Regardless, why doesn’t he have a goddamn vest!

If RATM makes another album this has to be their cover.

Bane music starts playing in the background

This is how America protects its assets. Not itโ€™s citizens

I can already see the movie scene

Should have been times man of the year !

Probably cold as hell, got this man out here with no jacket, no nothing. It was like 30 something out.

Unless his entire jury is comprised of CEOs he ainโ€™t going to prison.

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