Actor/Actress you used to love but can’t stand anymore

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Whoopi recently tried to publicly shame a bakery for their oven being down when she wanted cupcakes lol. She thought they were just refusing to serve her.

The rock early on I really liked his movies but not it’s the same dull corny shit every time

Kevin Hart. He’s everywhere now. I feel like I’ve over dosed on him

Chevy Chase: TBH I first saw him in Community and when I learnt about his off screen behavior, it kinda ruined it for me. When I started watching Community, I thought he will be something like Ed O’Neil from Modern Family. Like an old time legend reinventing themselves for the newer generation.

Will Smith

Stephen Seagall

There’s a lot of actors that the more you learn about them. The less and less you like them. But he’s in a class of his own.

Oprah Winfrey

Danny Masterson.

I looked past his being a Scientologist because he didn’t seem to be a dick about it.

Can’t look past the rapes though. And knowing they occurred while he was starring in That 70s Show has forever tarnished that role for me. I’m generally able to separate the art from the artist, but this was simultaneous

I don’t see Jennifer Lopez.

Megan Fox

Yeah I used to love Whoopi but I can’t stand her now

Shia LeBeouf. Ryan Reynolds. Not for the same reason obviously.

Kevin Spacey

Brad Pitt. He’s yummy looking and a ridiculously good actor, but after hearing how much of an abusive AH he is, it’s hard for me to even watch him in anything.

Seth Rogan

Jonah Hill. I mean – I’ve never loved him, but I liked him back in the days. Now I just see him as a controlling and manipulative twat.

I became disillusioned with celebrities after meeting some of them. Namely, Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim. The person you think they are on TV, and the person you actually are, are completely different. Celebrities, in general, are artificial people. The Kardashians don’t even count as human. They rolled off an assembly line after being carefully engineered to attract attention and money

I like Rosie O’Donnell when u was younger. She seems to have gotten angrier with age.

James Franco

Justin Timberlake. Can’t stand the fucker.

It’s amazing her fall from grace. I grew up loving her. Sister act among many of her movies and TNG. She seems now to live in a bubble so out of touch with reality. I heard her claiming she has to work like everybody else and needs to go into her job to survive. Net worth 30 million plus. Okay.

The Rock, and Will Smith.

The Rock

Ben stiller, until I saw him on inside the actors studio. he just put me off with his nepo arrogance as if he on some sort of Daniel day Lewis level.

Humphrey Bogart. Dude hasn’t made a movie in what, decades? Talk about lazy.

Whoopsie is a good example of such actor. She‘s a POS.

Bradley Cooper. Loved him in silver linings playbook especially. Charismatic and likeable but nowadays is just so full of himself.


Jonah Hill I feel is on the turn for me.

Kevin Spacey… lol

Kevin Spacey. An amazing actor but what’s come out about him is so vile and disgusting I can’t watch his work anymore. It’s a shame because Usual Suspects and American Beauty were both great movies.

Roseanne Barr

Michael Rappaport. empty vessel . will say things for money. He and Dave turned out to be the very thing they used to rail against. I can’t stand to hear Dave tell stories anymore.

Bill Murray. I grew up loving him from Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, and Stripes.

Then I learned what a narcissistic ass he is, jeez!

She was a fantastic actress. The View fucking ruined her.

Robert De Niro. Super cool guy, great actor, but the fact he had a kid when he’s 80 years old is selfish as hell. Kid might not have a father by the time she turns 12, if he has that many years left in him.


I’ve NEVER EVER liked Whoopi. I actually can’t stand her now.


Jack black he is cringe af irl. I understand it when he’s Crazy in films but that dude thinks he’s still in his 20s

I have a feeling that this comment section is gonna be entertaining

So sad to see Whoopi’s fall, I’d have to agree with OP

Whoopi started as what i felt was a farily talented comedian. she was never my kind of funny… but talented. then she got into a couple minor roles, which then get her into a few mediocre “comedies”…. somehow, from there she turned into a sanctimonious lunatic.

Zachary Levi

Katherine Heigl.

She was in some mid movies but it became clear she wasn’t acting, she is just an arrogant control freak.

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