Actors who pulled one of the greatest performance with an unrecognizable role

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Vincent D’Onofrio – the bug in MIB

Vincent D’Onofrio in Men in Black. He plays the alien cockroach in a human body. I’ve blown a few minds when I pointed out that’s the same guy as King Pin in Daredevil.

Granted I was a kid, but it was decades to realized Hook was Dustin Hoffman.

Not Oscar worthy or anything, but a delightful role.

Colin Farrell in the Penguin. Absolutely amazing performance and completely unrecognisable.

Hugo Weaving in V for Vendetta

Garry Oldman – True Romance

Christian Bale – Vice

Charlize Theron, Monster

Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade.

Tom Cruise as Les Grossman- Tropic Thunder 2008 🏆

Edward Norton in Kingdom of Heaven

Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill in the Darkest Hour

Gary Oldman in True Romance

Gary Oldman in Dracula

Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element

Gary Oldman

Tim Curry

Gary Oldman.

Tilda Swinton as 82 year old male Lutz Eberdorf in Suspiria 2018

Heath Ledger as the Joker

Tim curry pennywise

Ralph Fiennes as lord Voldemort… one of the top 10 I think

Willem Dafoe in Shadow of The Vampire


John Hurt in The Elephant Man

John Hurt in David Lynch’s The Elephant Man

Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Eric Stoltz as Rocky Dennis in Mask.

RDJ tropic thunder. Had a couple people who thought he was legitimately replaced with a black dude for the movie

Karl Urban in Dredd. Granted 90% of his face was covered but dude is a big actor who didn’t have the ego to be on show. And my god, his chin put in a powerful performance

Alec Guinness playing all 7 members of the doomed Gasgoyne family. Kind Hearts & Coronet’s

I liked Jeff Bridges in Iron Man.
He’s usually not playing the corporate greed villain so it was a breathe of fresh air for me.

Jacob Tremblay in Wonder. It was as if I could feel every emotion he was going through. I was moved to tears – and smiles – by his amazing and endearing performance.

Hugo Weaving. V for Vendetta

Gary Oldman has a few, but I’d go for his role in Hannibal. More emphasis on unrecognisable than greatest, but it’s rather impossible to pinpoint the latter.

RDJ in tropic thunder

Tilda Swinton in the Susperia remake!!

I disagree with you but would like to shoutout how awesome it is that you put the name of the movie and the actor in your post even though 99% of Reddit would recognize what it’s from.

**Tim Curry** was absolutely outfuckingstanding as ***Darkness***, in 1986 *”Legend”*. Iconic.

Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. I had 2 friends who came out of the theater loving that movie and they had no idea it was him until I brought it up.

Eric stoltz in Mask.

Vincent D’Onofrio in The Cell

Gary Oldman in Hannibal

HEATH LEDGER – the dark knight

Heath Ledger as the Joker. I still cannot see him!

This is going back a ways, but Tim Curry in Legend as Lord Darkness

Tom Cruise as Les Grossman. 10 minutes of perfection. It’s the Hannibal Lecter of comedic performances

Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade, l know it’s him but l still can’t believe it’s him. Not a lot of makeup used but it is him.

Tom Cruise : Tropic Thunder

I had no idea it was him until the credits, and whatever you may think of Cruise, I think anyone would be hard to disagree Les Grossman was an epic performance, and you just know Cruise was channelling someone he met in Hollywood

Tom Hardy as whoever is he in The Revenant.

Took my best friend to see that movie in theatres. He loves Tom Hardy. About halfway through the movie he goes, “I thought Tom Hardy was in this?”

Tom Hardy was *on the screen.*

andy serkis as gollum, he pulled off a tortured, pathetic disgusting creature who you could both sympathise and despise.

also him playing caesar, he was a chimpanzee who could both pull off being like a chimp and express human emotions.

Maybe not really unrecognizable, but Hugo Weaving as Elrond. I had only seen him in Matrix before and definitely never thought of him as a beautiful man – but with the long hair and Elvish elegance, I was absolutely astonished and could hardly believe that’s the same guy.

since I upvoted every gary oldman comment here: doug jones

I have to give it to the Longlegs marketing team. They managed to advertise a much better movie than what the actual movie was. Cage just did a lot of his iconic overacting.

If somedody saw Longlegs in real life they would probably call 911, thats how over the top he was.

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