Actual Demon

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Elon’s people? Is he a South African?

What a piece of shit

He got caught and cried because of consequences. RIP to the victims.

This image doesn’t even look like real crying; I know we all know it’s fake, but it looks like a dry face trying to remember the expression.

Didn’t cry now because you didn’t cry then. People as disgusting as this, evil, and bile shouldn’t be allowed the dignity of a trial. He’s guilty AF in my eyes. *_ck him, and people like him

Welcome to South Africa. The remnants of apartheid are still alive here. Those who want to take us back to the dark days are still hiding in shadows and sometimes they come out and commit horrific crimes

Hope they feed his ass to pigs 🐖

Do unto them as they have done unto your ancestors no more no less

Brick Top: . You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes.

Send his ass back to hell.

Seems pretty disingenuous to suggest he’s one of “Elons people” just because he is a white South African. It’s not like hes a representative of some kind, unless I’m mistaken. Either way a POS, I just dont see what Elon has to do with this besides also being a POS

All the people behind him “why the fuck you lyinnn”

These people are truly sick. Demon was the perfect title.

He looks possessed.

He’s not crying because he feels bad, he’s crying because he was caught, and he firmly believed that African lives are not as valuable. He thought he wouldn’t be brought to justice, and a lot of people in the world think this way when it comes to culture and ethnicity.

He thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. Im glad he is facing justice. How many people do vile shit like this and never get caught, or get held accountable.

Actual fucking devil, this man is.

He looks like he is fake crying ….

A real evil piece of shit holy fuck.

I’ve hated Elon for over a decade. But what does this have to do with him? Melanin content and geographic location of origin? Anything else?

Why can’t we be better?

Remember, y’all, White SA farmers are being oppressed.

The crazy thing is, many white South Africans justify the murder because the black people were “stealing”.

What does elon have to do with this?

Lock his ass up for life, fuck his tears!!!

What the fuck kind of comment is Elon’s people…

What does this this guy have to do with Elon lol

I’ve honestly never heard anything good about White South Africans


Sedddddfffff time

Feed him to the pigs

The mental gymnastics to somehow work Elon into the matter just because this guy is from south africa? wow. People really need to touch grass.

How is he affiliated with Elon?

He’s evil no doubt, but any statement that attributes a group to be a hive-mind (all white south africans) is effectively nazi rhetoric

Apartheid S.A. is a system that ingrained into the ruling class there, that if you are white, no one else deserves to exist except you.

Fuck these piece of trash.

They always cry rather than express remorse and somehow get off.

I remember hearing about this case a long time ago, I didn’t realize he still wasn’t in prison.

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