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Gotta get back, back to the past, Samurai Jack

Even though I memorised the damn math equation, it didn’t make a difference, I still couldn’t properly solve an exercise because I’m dumb. The childhood cartoon memory at least works regardless of my intelligence.

50 years have passed, but I do not age. Time has lost its effect on me. And yet, the suffering continues. Aku’s grasp chokes the past, present, and future. All hope is lost. Gotta get back. Back to the past. Samurai Jack.

But you don’t need to remember the math equation; just derive it from first principles!

Listen to me, listen now, lend me your ears.

Let me lay it out easy, so to lessen all your fears.

Just livin’ and lovin’ not about to let you down.

Let’s look at this logically, figure this out.

We can likely verify each others’ alibis.

No need to allegate, litigate, itemize lies.

I just wanna be free, liberty, let me be.

And I won’t be ejected not a liability.


– “Lyin’ 2 Me” by CG5. All from memory. If you haven’t heard the song, this is a one-breath section.

Yes, let’s add song lyrics to that list.

Like a song I only found last year: Micro Cuts.

Jerry Seinfeld singing/dancing the Bugs Bunny Overture.

Samurai Jack was PEAK

Having to rememorize math equations because of going back to college in my mid 20s, is not a cash money move. Still have my favorite movies/ cartoons memorized.

There’s 104 days of summer vacation……

I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday but I can tell you…

The north American house hippo lives throughout Canada and the eastern United states.

House hippos are very timid creatures, but will defend their territory if provoked.

The favorite foods of the house hippo are chips, raisins and the crumbs from peanut butter on toast.

House hippos build their nest in bedroom closet using lost mittens, dryer lint and bits of string. The nests have to be very soft and warm

House hippos sleep about 16 hours a day

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