Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust, in the yard of Ayalon Prison in Israel, 1961

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There’s a great movie on Netflix about the hunt for him and his capture called Operation Finale for anyone interested.

Probably self righteously thinking “this is exactly what we were fighting against.”

That rebar really rusted and left stains on the concrete. They must have poured that concrete in a hurry

Fuck that guy, but man that is like the worst prison wall ever wtf.

Wow. He is remarkably well fed compared to how he treated the Jews.

Does anyone else find it weird how normal he looks? This is one of the most evil humans in history, the mastermind behind the brutal slaughter of millions of innocent men, woman, and children, and he looks so ordinary. I would have believed it if you told me he was a local professor or IT professional. I didn’t necessarily expect him to look “evil”, but there’s something off-putting to me about how regular he looks.

Edit: grammar

He wasn’t the architect, he was the major organiser. The architect was Reinhard Heydrich, who was killed by the Czechoslovakians.

He looks like Steven Miller.

The guy that executed Eichmann (the only execution in Israel) was so traumatized from this he got very religious and changed profession to become… a butcher.

Israel legalised the death penalty, executed him, the outlawed the death penalty again.

They also had to change the law to allow none Israel’s to act as lawyers in court cases because no Israeli lawyer would at as the defence.

“The Banality of Evil”.

If you fear what strong men are capable of, wait until you see what weak men can do..

Shave the rest of the hair give him contacts and it’s Stephen Miller

Hopefully all such war criminals can face justice.

Record scratch. Freeze frame.

“Yep. That’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here.”

It’s crazy how normal he looks. What an evil man

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People like him make me wish hell was real. He deserves to burn for a million eternities.

A fate that all perpetrators of genocide deserve.

What’s crazy is according to the Behind the Bastards podcast he wasn’t even particularly antisemitic he just wanted to impress his bosses. Thats somehow more grim.

Only person Israel ever executed. Death was too light of a punishment for this man. 

Right where he belonged

Fuck this guy. Boo this man

Real Stephen miller look to him

I highly encourage the film “Conspiracy” (2001) about the meeting where they proposed the final solution. It shows the banality of evil.

Mass immigration became too costly so they decided extinction by gas would be more efficient.

Better than he deserves

Otto Adolf Eichmann (19 March 1906 – 1 June 1962) was a German Nazi SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel) and one of the major organisers of the Holocaust. Eichmann was tasked by SS-Obergruppenführer (general/lieutenant general) Reinhard Heydrich with facilitating and managing the logistics of mass deportation of Jews to ghettos and extermination camps in German-occupied Eastern Europe during World War II. In 1960, he was captured in Argentina by Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service. Following a widely publicised trial in Israel, he was found guilty of war crimes and hanged in 1962.


Fuck him, that’s why.

He must’ve felt like a bug in a glass bottle. Good. Hanging was too good for him.

What a prick.

Let’s also not only immortalize history by remembering the absolutely disgusting scum that this person is.

Also remember Zvi Aharoni – the person who captured him after his escape from 45-60

Love that for him.

I attended a lecture with Deborah Lipstadt who wrote The Eichmann Trial. Damn informative but some harrowing shit was heard that night. I didn’t sleep well.

Spittin image of Stephen Miller.

I’ve never seen this before and I thought I was very knowledgeable on 20th century history

So far, the only convict to receive a death sentence from an Israeli court.

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