After an 8 hour shift delivering groceries, my socks can stand on their own

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How did you get them to deliver groceries?

Put those bad boys on ebay


How are you delivering groceries as a baby?

You just turned invisible. No worries.


Skeletor 💜

Sell them.

Not into that kind of thing but you would make a killing.

Side-side hustle.

Idk if I would put those on my bed 😂

I used to have a roommate whose socks could do that. There was a very specific reason for it, though. And he would sometimes leave them on the living room floor. Never again.

You must be a tiny human being. I wouldn’t be surprised if they stand up on their own when clean.

Are you an infant?

that’s pretty gross

Question is, can they deliver groceries on their own?


I bet peeling them bad bois off felt soooooo good.

I see you placed these right next to your pillow….gotta savor that scent in your sleep I guess. 

They think they still on the clock.

OK now wash your bedding.

My socks also do this after a long day. Sometimes I’ll set them in random places in the house and see how long it takes my husband to find them.

They’re super cute. The little molded shape of your toes is in fact, mildly interesting.

This would be a cool temporary art installment about the working class.

Mine do that too after an 8 hour “shift”.

I think you need better socks.


You put those on your bed???

I don’t know if you really want those on your bed…

This is very niche but it reminds me of reading The Dandy comics when I was a kid. There were always random socks standing up in the background like this.

If you leave the house wearing other shoes, these ones will follow you

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