After decades of relentless corporate abuse, Americans are breaking bad.

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very 1789core

And suddenly, vigilante and avenger are carreer opportunities again.

time to go back to our revolutionary roots

And just like that America started fighting back

I was gonna say, if police are looking for motive maybe ask what the company was doing to its employees or what had the president done recently. Not everyone has a manifesto and you don’t always need one to decipher people’s actions. But this employee was only there for 2 weeks… now I’m wondering how bad it was at that job.

[Here’s a link to the article](

Also incredibly wild that the employee was able to do that, walk out of the room then the building and drive off in his car before he was arrested.

Edit: as others have pointed out, maybe less surprising the guy was able to walk out considering he just stabbed someone and that’s absolutely terrifying. I guess my thought is the whole thing is wild – guy who’s been employed for 2 weeks walks into a morning meeting, leaves for 10 mins, comes back stabs his boss, then just walks out, gets in his car, and drives away. That is a wild thing that happened – it’s just hard to imagine. Like, what was said at that meeting?

Corporate goons bleeding the masses dry: “Oops, did we accidentally start a class war?”

Yes men: “No no no. It’s all the poors fault.”

I was hoping but I did not have class war on my 2024 bingo card

“I make their lives miserable. What are they going to do, stab me?”


Will he be charged with terrorism too? 

Please be named Mario!

Very France circa 1792 of him

Americans are sick of being used and abused by corporations. It’s past time we started fighting back.

I’ve been playing through cyberpunk 2077 lately and it’s weirdly mirroring reality. Minus the crazy biohacking but I feel like we’re really not far out from the beginnings of that tech

Big smile says it all! Love it

Silver lining: Maybe stuff like this will help convince them to back off RTO mandates

Where did all these roosting chickens come from?

This is starting to get interesting…

Dexter spirit has awaken in the American people

Man was barely an employee.


“Looking for motive”? Really?

I wonder how long until the first random civilian gets whacked by an overzealous CEO security dispatch because they got out of a car too fast or looked at a CEO for too long….

I love the pride on this mans face

Going postal… it’s not just for postmen anymore!

Maybe we are going back to the 80’s where people went “postal”.

They’re killing us for an extra 5 cents on the dollar. What did they think would happen?


Boss makes a dollar,

I make a dime,

that’s why I stab,

on company time

If they can’t be trusted to do the right thing, let them fear.

It’s really not the same. This is a manufacturing company. The doer worked there, but only for two weeks.

The stabbings will continue until morale improves.

No mention of a motive and it says the dude was only hired 2 weeks before?


Going out on a limb but I going to say it anyway. Hero!

I finally get trickle down economics.

Capitalism is fine but spread the wealth

America: New Revolutionary Era

I love this. CEOs should start being very afraid.

If he gives them a motive they don’t like they’ll just charge hit him with a terrorism charge.

This is a weird one though–guy had worked there for two weeks and was hired on to replace someone retiring from a high ranking position. Doesn’t sound linked to our man Luigi.

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