After months of being homeless I finally have a place, a job, an a secondhand ps4. I am over the moon.

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Hey nice job man 😎👍

Fuck yeah dude
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Proud of you ❤️👏🏽

Update: dude gave me a busted controller.. guess I gotta wait a couple weeks to buy one. Lol.

Congrats man, your doing great💪 what game you playing first?

Proud of you homie, that’s a big step

Congrats! Enjoy!

Let’s go, dude. It really is the small things that we can be grateful for! Cheers!

Proud of you

Can we raise a fund here? If 500 people give him a dollar, he can get him a ps5? 🙂

Congrats dude 👏

God bless you.

That is so beautiful. I’m so glad you made it out of homelessness.

Congrats ! Keep up the good work

you made it!

Hell yeah! Welcome to the PlayStation fam 🤘🏻

Hell yeah!

Hell yeah brotha

Keep going man. Good shit

Never give up. Way to go! Enjoy!


Nice 👍👍

I’m fucking stoked for you man. I’m sure you’ve earned it!!


Well done bud! Fair play to you 🙂

Atta boy

I’ve been there friend, so I know how you feel. I was homeless and living out of my car 19 years ago. I had to sell everything I had just to make it. Then I joined the army and things turned around. The first thing that I got back was my PS2 and it was a great feeling.

Keep pushing forward. And whenever life comes at you to knock you down, jump right back up and upper cut that mother fucker!

Now play this relatable masterpiece ..
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Very proud of you homie, you did the damn thing.

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Having a PlayStation is how you know you made it homie 🫡

Congratulations keep it up man.

Good for you, man.

Congratulations my guy, hope life keeps climbing for ya

Enjoy man, congratulations.

Congratulations, man. You put in the work and now you’re saying the rewards.

Best of luck to you.

Congrats dawg! 🤟🔥

really great for u

That’s awesome bro.

Well done! Glad to hear you’re on the up and up!!!

Nice, enjoy it bro

Uhh I don’t think this sub allows gifs….

[Insert Helldivers saluting gif here]

Very awesome! Keep going man! You are doing great!


I know you feel so relieved, just want to say how awesome you are. Bravo


congrats and enjoy

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