AIO, about to go nuclear over a text my kid’s coach sent her.

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the fact that when confronted he said it was about the color even tho he literally said it was about the name and framed the name in the actual thread makes it obvious he knows its wrong

When you’re a coach, you have to be scrupulous about your behaviour when you’re around young children. I’ve no idea why they even thought it would be a good idea to have a group chat with a young child but someone needs to have a serious word with them about safeguarding and their child protection obligations.  

No you are NOT overreacting.

Get your kid away from that pervert immediately and report him. If he thinks that is ok to send to a 13 year old, he should not be around kids.

Get that GROOMER away from her and the other girls. There is nothing innocent about this, especially where he says she would like the name KINKY pink.

Immediately file a police report. You will receive an incident number. When you’re filing your report with the school/ head coach give them the police incident number so that they know that you are not fucking around.

Jesus h you’re not overreacting at all! I coach junior kids and have some girls on the team and no way I could imagine saying anything like that. There’s no way to joke about that. I’m sure he has to do safe sport training, report them thru that as well. 

You’d find me in r/prison if a coach sent this to my kids

NOR. You should be telling the parents of all the other girls as well. They need to know what this guy is doing so they can make sure they’re not he’s not doing it to their kids too.

I’m not a professional photographer but I feel like he could have gotten a picture of the liquid’s colour without having “kinky pink” perfectly framed in said picture.

In what world would a coach think this is funny or cute to send to a 13 year old child .. ask other moms or parents around to see if their children had experienced the similar inappropriate interactions with him

NOR. If any adult sent that to my 13 year old I would go nuclear. ☢️

NOR. He said she would LIKE THE NAME. Not THE COLOUR. What a sick fuck. Report it to the club and file a report to the police incase for the future. They might be able to do nothing now… but that will be good in the future if someone else’s child/parent files a report about something he has done. It’s evidence he was acting inappropriately toward a minor. Get your kid out of that situation. If ex-wife acts like your crazy I’d offer to go back to court over it. I don’t think the courts will see this is as harmless and I don’t think they will support your wife essentially enabling and allowing it to go on. If you think you will need to do this then gather your evidence first or she could make it harder. I would be screen shotting all the inappropriate shit from before too. Back it all up.. phone, laptop, separate hard drive or jump drive.. then go to the club and the police and let them handle it. I would inform the club I will tell the other parents and pull my kid if they don’t take action.

that looks a lot like grooming to me. disgusting that they’d post that in a group chat w a parent as well. Pls report them

This is grooming at its finest. As a child who was sexually assaulted by an adult, get your child the f&$k away from this freak and report him to not only the club, but the police. They should start investigating this behaviour and if the police are tipped to this, they will likely start looking into him and his web history.

NOR. To a 13 year old general age range is crazy, and knowing that’s he’s pushed the line like this before it’s better you report him before something actually bad happens

First… why is a coach ever having a group chat or any text message with any of the kids ever… like what??

You know there was a world that existed before phoned with kids and coaches, and everything got handled without needing to text.

This is so flagrantly awful

There is a very high likelihood that when you report, others will step up with stories. And sadly some may be more than just getting a groomer photo. This guy is old enough that it’s been going on for a long time. Report! Do not wait.

This coach is a p3do. Report him asap. How many other young girls he is messaging sick things to??

I’m just wondering why a coach would even send a picture of his alcohol to a minor thinking she’d want the name of it? Like she was gonna go out and get some?

Bro this is straight PDF behavior. Rather than murder, you should report him to the proper authorities. That and tell his wife/girlfriend…

Report to CYS in addition to the athletic program. The athletic program should be mandated to report this to the authorities, but they may not.

This is grooming behavior. Your ex-wife is being included on these chains as a way for the coach to pretend he’s not doing anything wrong and to groom her into thinking this behavior is acceptable… It is absolutely inappropriate.

I would let everybody know about this… Other kids, parents, other coaches, the school, the authorities… I would guarantee this is not the only time something like this has happened. There needs to be a clear record.

Jesus. I’m not one to go straight to reporting people, but please report this guy. What a creep.

NOR, fuck this guy. Probably bought the shot himself and made up the stocking part. What a creep.

It’s definitely screaming grooming. But her mom is on the group chat and ok with it? That’s crazy 

The name is inappropriate, but I also think he’s hoping your kid will want to take the shot… There is so much grooming going on here. It’s unbelievable.

Don’t forget to send the screenshots to all the parents, your kid might not be the only one getting these

this is HUGE EW drag his ass to the court or smth he can’t be left with kids ever 

Report him to the school AND police ASAP. At the very least he’ll lose his job, hopefully his life will spiral after that. What a sick creep, oh my dog…

I’m seeing red and it isn’t even my kid. You are not overreacting.

Have shovel will travel NOR

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