AIO bought my bf a $200 pan, told him not to use metal on it.

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Donโ€™t sell something you like in order to buy a gift!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I’m mostly concerned about where you purchased a single nonstick pan for $200. You got scammed babe

Why did you buy him a $200 pan. What could possibly make it that expensive?

If you didnโ€™t have the money to buy it, you shouldnโ€™t have. Once you gift something to someone, itโ€™s theirs to do what they want with it. Pans scratch.

If you’re going to give someone a gift, it’s theirs to do what they want with it. You can’t make a sacrifice for someone and then throw it back in their face when it’s convenient for you. You didn’t have to buy him this but you chose to. Unless there’s some sort of agreement that you both own this pan (which, if you live long distance doesn’t seem like there is) then you can’t dictate what he does with it or chastise him for it.

Overreacting about the pan โœ… overpaid for the pan โœ…

This feels fake. Selling your Switch to buy a frying pan… and a non-stick one, no less, when non-stick pans last only like 2 years

Where does one buy 200$ nonstick pan? With that money you can get a pan that you can hammer nails.

$40 cast iron wouldโ€™ve been the right choice. Season it for him.

The only people worthy of receiving a 200 pan are people that understand its value, and intrinsically know how to treat it.ย 

It’s like a Ferrari should not be someone’s first car.ย ย 

I understand you getting upset, but you did a poor job matching gift to recipient.ย  And if you had to sell something to gift it, you were operating outside your budget.ย 

$200 on a pan is crazy and ur not his mom can’t tell him what to do if he wants to mess up his own pan that’s on him

Youโ€™re over reacting. If someone bought me a gift and then proceeded to tell me what I can and canโ€™t do with it Iโ€™d be super irritated.

Did he actually want a $200 pan, or did you?

I bought an identical looking pan for 20$ you got scammed

Definitely over reacting. You gifted it to him. He can do as he wishes with it.

So youโ€™re gonna buy a gift AND nag about how he uses it? ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ

Paying $200 for a shitty – teflon infested nonstick pan is the real crime here

Sounds like youโ€™re just mad you decided to sell your switch to overspend on Christmas, and now are trying to justify your frustration by putting it on your boyfriend for using the gift you overspent to give him.

On another note this relationship sounds destined for hell – โ€œI told him repeatedly not to use metal in it, not to use steel woolโ€ โ€œbefore I even used it I knew it would be scratchedโ€ – damn, if you feel the need to mother your SO to this degree and expend so much mental energy over a fucking pan, it may be time to see other people

You shouldn’t even be upset at anyone but yourself for buying someone an expensive gift you couldn’t afford. Did he ASK you to sell your switch so you could buy him a pan or was this something you decided to do voluntarily because of so you are the asshole and need to learn to let it go

YOR. Pans get scratches.

Youโ€™re over reacting

I understand the sentiment of having your efforts not seen. However, it is a gift. You canโ€™t put rules on something you are gifting. Also, donโ€™t sell your things to buy a gift youโ€™re gonna be more worried about than happy of gifting. Your feelings are valid but at the same time, itโ€™s a done deal.

It’s their pan now bfr. you’re overreacting

Why did you sell your nintendo switch to afford a pan for someone who doesnโ€™t cookโ€ฆ? Girl wtf youโ€™re dumb af

My wife bought me a good non-stick and even being careful, I still ended up with those nicks. I flipped bacon with a fork and I might as well stabbed the pan!

What we discovered is that stainless steel pan are what professional cooks/chefs use/recommend rather then these coated pans regardless of the price.

My point is that your bf did not have to be negligent or taking your gift for granted to nick the pan. My wife realized that when she made bacon & did the exact same thing – used a fork.

It’s got to do with how hot the pan gets. We just use cast iron and that’s never an issue

Donโ€™t buy nonstick pans, they suck. Stick with stainless or carbon steel and cast iron

Rule of thumb though.

Donโ€™t lend what you canโ€™t afford to lose.
Donโ€™t gift what you canโ€™t afford to give up.

If youโ€™re going to be upset about a 200$ pan, donโ€™t buy a 200$ pan.

If you have to tell someone not to use metal on a $200 pan, you don’t need to buy that person a $200 pan. Did he want a $200 pan? Seems like he might need the $20 pan from Walmart to fry his eggs with.

I have in fact. Learned a lesson. I can’t edit to add this to the post. I’m glad I got checked by y’all, I hadn’t said anything yet and posted my initial reaction to seeing it. Which as I’ve come to realize was really big. It’s smaller now and on the way out.

Also never buying a non-stick again, gift or not. Thankfully I have nice cast iron waiting for me when I’m not in school and renting anymore.

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

You shouldnโ€™t have to sell something you enjoy just to buy a gift, as that can lead to resentment if things donโ€™t go well, like in this situation. While itโ€™s technically his pan and he can do what he wants with it, you are overreacting. Iโ€™m not sure how deep the scratches are, but you might try using metal polish, wet sandpaper, or a coarse scouring pad with olive oil to buff them out. In the end itโ€™s a frying pan like scratches and rust will happen.

Anyone who deserves a $200 fry pan would know how to take care of it.

Shouldnโ€™t have sold your Nintendo switch ๐Ÿคช

You went through way too much trouble for a pan. A human makes mistakes Iโ€™m sure he loves the pan but take it easy

Girl thatโ€™s boys for you

Give him 200$ for gas and he would have been happier

$200 for a pan??? Wtf you got scammed

YOR sorry. Let this be a lesson learned. Nonstick pans get scratches and dings no matter how careful you are. $200 pans are for rich idiots that can afford to throw them away instead of washing them.

Total scam for those pans. But itโ€™s his gift. He can use what he wants on it tbh.

dude if you have to sell a nintendo switch to afford a pan you shouldnt be buying it like what… a pan is a pan dude.

$200 for a panโ€ฆ you got scammed

This makes me so sad ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ you bought a teflon pan ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ girlie our Hendricks Set of pans was 200 dollars and weโ€™re not eating on poison

Overspending and overreacting.

When you give a gift, the thing becomes the other person’s thing.

Not everyone takes good care of things, no matter how expensive they are.

Now you know that he’s not always thinking about “taking care” of something he regards as merely utilitarian, for making breakfast or whatever.

Never buy someone something so expensive that you have to give up something you prize, as you apparently did the Switch.

Why did you decide to do this?

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