Why isn’t anyone mentioning that he covers his face every time he gets close to the camera? That’s a terrifying red flag. He knows EXACTLY what he’s doing.
2 months ago
Contact Amazon. He needs to be removed from your route. Or you need to have another driver assigned to you on the route. I had a clerk look up my home address after purchasing home furnishings. I had no idea heโd decided I was ,ย ยซย pretty,ย ยป until he showed up at my door , across the city.
I was married with children. Iโm def not the small talk type. I had no conversation with this clerk other than paying for the item and arrangements for delivery.
The company fired him when I contacted them. You cannot be too careful as a woman. You simply cannot. Youโll be criticized regardless of what you do. So protect yourself.
2 months ago
NOR at all. A delivery driver for Amazon fell in love with my wife because she left snacks and drinks out for drivers around Christmas in a big stocking. She went out to pick up the packages one day and he waved and honked at her from the van. No big deal, she waved back. My wife is aggressively optimistic about human beings.
A few days later we got another delivery and when she went out to pick it up the same driver was out there waving at her.
Lo and behold a week later we took the stocking she had left treats in and there was a Polaroid picture of a cock in there. He signed the back โLove, always David. See you soon!โ.
Called Amazon, called the cops, called my lawyer to see if this was enough to kill a man and get off with temporary insanity.
By the way, David if you read this (because Iโm pretty sure you are a Redditor) either your penis is really small or your pubes are really long, either way gross
2 months ago
NOR just be extremely careful. And everyone here saying she was overreacting did you all not read the same post I did.
1. OP states categorically that she does contactless deliveries only and DOES NOT open the door so how exactly does this driver know what she looks like unless he was waiting out of sight and watching the house?
2. He knows what he is doing is creepy and beyond past the line as she categorically states he turned his head away from the camera when he was delivering the note.
OP I am going to say it be very very careful as if he is writing notes to you he has more than likely wrote your address down as well. You and your husband should absolutely report him to Amazon as he seems to be in the first stages of stalking (and you don’t know how many other women he has done this to) but beef up the security around your house and make sure there is no blind spots at all. Men like this tend to retaliate and he already knows you have phoned the police on him. Unfortunately the polices attitude to incidents like this is nothing is happening until they seriously harm you or even kill you.
2 months ago
โI loathe to just get that off my chestโฆโ makes no fucking sense
2 months ago
NOR. Those saying that the police can’t do anything… they did exactly what they’re supposed to. They documented the interaction and have informed the guy that this was beyond unwelcome. Since he knows where you live and delivers packages, you would want the police to know in case this should escalate. That kind of exchange from company employee to customer is not appropriate. You don’t know this guy nor his MO or intentions, and you cannot tell which from which. If he truly is harmless and just clueless as how to woo women, then nothing will come of it, and hopefully he can gracefully take this as a learning lesson. However, if he’s an icky poo poo, then the police have his name and number in case he gets weirder.
Honestly I would have called the police for his handwriting, his spelling, and his lack of ability to use words correctly. Jk not really.
2 months ago
Glad you called the cops, at least they have it on record for the future even if they can’t do anything yet. Call amazon too.
People saying he just “shot his shot” are living in a goddamn fantasy world. The dynamic here is out of balance, he knows everything about you, your address, your order history, names, numbers, vehicles, maybe even timings of your schedules, while you and your husband don’t know shit about this guy. This is not acceptable “flirting” in any way.
Only an idiot waits until shit goes down before taking precautions. A note like this could be how the stalking starts, it happens all the fucking time people, don’t be naive. It always starts “harmless” enough, and has potential to escalate. Why should OP take a chance? Would you take the same chance if it was your daughter or your sister or your wife or gf? I wouldnt.
2 months ago
Didn’t even want to read past the TLDR, don’t even need context on your relationship. This is weird and can be taken in a bad way, so no you didn’t over react. Read the fact that he has been to your house multiple times and now… so duh lol
2 months ago
I’m on your husband’s side here. This is inappropriate. Don’t engage with this person, but contact Amazon and ask to speak with the warehouse supervisor. Tell them to assign someone else to your route or the next time they hear from you will be via your lawyer.
2 months ago
NOR. Iโm currently being stalked by a past client of mine. It started a year ago with similar notes like this first in texts. Iโm still dealing with fake numbers contacting me daily. Now heโs sending me things in the mail. I hate being in this situation. Coming from me, I think this is concerning, but maybe Iโm jaded ๐
2 months ago
Please be careful. Please escalate it. This is not normal behavior and the man knows where you live!
2 months ago
NOR please report this guy to amazon
2 months ago
Maybe I should clarify “called the police” because it seems like a lot of people are thinking we called 911 and tied up critical resources. But my husband called the non-emergency police number to discuss what had happened and if there was anything we should do. An officer called us back when they had time, and interviewed me over the phone, then called the other guy.
911 was never called and the police did not actually show up. It was all over the phone, non-emergency.
2 months ago
Just a very very small look into what women face daily for rejecting men.
Men are afraid women will make fun of them.
Women are afraid men will kill them.
2 months ago
Unsure why everyone says youโre over reacting. Thatโs weird dude. Driver needs to do his job and leave people alone. Shooting your shot is fine, HOWEVER, he knows where you live. Itโs way out of line for him to be leaving this note AT YOUR HOUSE. I donโt care if Iโm downvoted. This is so strange and Iโm sorry the police were unable to help you. I would be mega uncomfortable, especially with you being a SAHM. Make sure your cameras are always active.
2 months ago
That is absolutely not a misunderstanding. Not overreacting. Restraining order? Get him fired? All of these could make this more dangerous for dm you, so could doing nothingโฆfeels like stalking. Ugh.
2 months ago
This is completely inappropriate and creepy as hell. I personally would have just reported it to Amazon and not bothered with the police. However, I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong for doing so. Since you’re alone, much of the time, it’s not a bad thing for them to have documentation of the incident in case of further problems or retaliation.
I’m sure you guys have already thought of all the home security related stuff. But just in case, do look into more outdoor cameras if you can. Make sure all of your windows are locked (and alarmed if possible). Secure any garages or out buildings, and always make sure your vehicles are locked even if kept in a garage. Perhaps some kind of personal defense items for yourself as well. Pepper spray, stun gun, etc. A small concealed pistol if you’re comfortable with that and it’s permitted where you live.
2 months ago
Thatโs creepy AF
2 months ago
This is weird AF did you also call Amazon to complain? I have the employee HR live support # you can DM me if you need it. I would be flipping out over this shit! You are NOR
2 months ago
NO I would be scared too, he knows where you live.
2 months ago
I wouldnโt say youโre overreacting. The sad reality is that a lot of women (and people in general) become victims of harassment and stalking because they seem too welcoming. Yea, calling the police is extreme, but now that he knows youโre willing to escalate it might deter him from taking things further. The reality is we donโt know his MO. It couldโve been a simple awkward flirt, or it couldโve been the beginning of his plan to harass/stalk you. Iโm a better safe than sorry kind of girl (also anxious haha).
Hopefully it stops here, but if it doesnโt Iโd say continue to keep the police updated (and amazon of course, they can hopefully remove him from your route). A documented incident history makes a HUGE difference (based on the experience of a friend who was stalked for years)
2 months ago
Definitely report him to Amazon. If he didnโt know better by this point in his life, this is how he can learn.ย
Is he just another stupidly skeevey guy being a creep? Probably. Thatโs a him problem, not a you problem.ย
2 months ago
NOR and you NEED to contact Amazon themselves. The police canโt help you but Amazon can put him on a different route
2 months ago
Not overreacting at all. This is absolutely wild, desperate, and pathetic behavior. Thereโs a time and a place and this is neither.
2 months ago
This isnโt 911 worthy, but calling your local non-emergency line is NOR. Definitely report to Amazon as this is not something a driver should ever do.
2 months ago
NOR I’ve been stalked. This is step one. He knew it was wrong- pulling up his mask and avoiding the camera. Good chance he’s done this with others. Call Amazon, this guy should not have access to other people’s homes, even if it is just the porch.
2 months ago
A lot of these commenters have never had a stalker, and it shows. Calling the police was the right thing to do here to start a paper trail in case this escalates and you need a restraining order. Hopefully he learned his lesson.
2 months ago
NOR. If someone left this note for my wife, I think we would do the same. Infatuation can lead to nothing or it can lead to stalking, best to be safe.
He now knows not to pursue this, and the police have a record in case he decides to persist. You canโt be too careful when someone knows your address.
I would also contact Amazon and ask that he not be assigned more deliveries to your home.
2 months ago
That hand writing is some scury shit
2 months ago
NOR. Paper trail. Talk from police. Employer. Iโd add in a restraining order on top of the police report.
2 months ago
Definitely contact Amazon. This is both creepy and inappropriate. The smirk and wink to the camera shows that this was not just a compliment.
If you do only contactless delivery he had to have been watching you, somehow
2 months ago
Contact Amazon and report the driver. He will get fired immediately and won’t be driving past your house anymore
2 months ago
>The message relayed to us was that the driver apologized, claimed he didnโt mean to scare me, and assured the officer it wouldnโt happen again. The officer felt it was likely a misunderstanding and said the man seemed genuinely upset about the situation.
This is absolutely vile. “Likely a misunderstanding” No, no it wasn’t. The way police will bend over backwards to make excuses for gross behaviour from men, but quickly demonise and chastise women is truly disgusting.
This man will escalate, maybe not with the OP, but definitely in the future, and next time, he won’t leave a note, because now he’s learned to hide his behaviour from the police, he’s now learned a very valuable lesson, all because police pretend that men like this aren’t a threat.
2 months ago
Doesnโt help that heโs got the penmanship of a serial killer
2 months ago
Holy WHAT?!!
2 months ago
Girl, you are not overreacting at all! Trust your instincts โ that situation was creepy, and itโs totally valid to feel unsettled, especially with your past trauma.ย
2 months ago
NOR. As others have said, this goes beyond creepy and into frightening behavior because this guy knows where you live. Itโs good to have a paper trail in case he escalates, and nothing has even happened to him besides a phone call slapping him on the wrist. People are acting like you had him arrested ๐
2 months ago
I’d definitely contact amazon, it would be the same if it were a Doctor, therapist, cleaner, tradie, etc. It’s beyond inappropriate, you don’t know if he has done this to others, he may have had a warning before..
If anything, this is setting the clear boundary to him that you won’t have this happening, and with that he will leave you alone… Amazon may even remove him from that route?
Definitely not overreacting, as a woman and mother, you can NEVER be over cautious.
2 months ago
Listen to your husband, and escalate, holy shit.
And cops… What else can you say?
They’re literally trying to convince you this is a nothing-burger.
The cops are WRONG, you are NOT overreacting, and your Husband is RIGHT – ESCALATE!
Make this mfer pay for his actions. actions have consequences. Nobody was looking out for you, when you were a kid, you should at least look out for yourself, now that you’re an adult, and now that you have support from your family, as well.
2 months ago
I agree with all the comments here who say NOR. This is creepy as hell and you are your husband should actually escalate this to Amazon.
That said, I want to take a moment to appreciate the hilarity of this kid having no sense of grammar. What a Cassanova he must be
2 months ago
At first from the note and the post title I would have said you overreacted but the context is quite disturbing. He might have saw your face by coincidence from seeing you enter the house before or right after he made his delivery but I have difficulties seeing any innocent explanation for hiding his face… Eventually shyness but that’s stretched…
Why isn’t anyone mentioning that he covers his face every time he gets close to the camera? That’s a terrifying red flag. He knows EXACTLY what he’s doing.
Contact Amazon. He needs to be removed from your route. Or you need to have another driver assigned to you on the route. I had a clerk look up my home address after purchasing home furnishings. I had no idea heโd decided I was ,ย ยซย pretty,ย ยป until he showed up at my door , across the city.
I was married with children. Iโm def not the small talk type. I had no conversation with this clerk other than paying for the item and arrangements for delivery.
The company fired him when I contacted them. You cannot be too careful as a woman. You simply cannot. Youโll be criticized regardless of what you do. So protect yourself.
NOR at all. A delivery driver for Amazon fell in love with my wife because she left snacks and drinks out for drivers around Christmas in a big stocking. She went out to pick up the packages one day and he waved and honked at her from the van. No big deal, she waved back. My wife is aggressively optimistic about human beings.
A few days later we got another delivery and when she went out to pick it up the same driver was out there waving at her.
Lo and behold a week later we took the stocking she had left treats in and there was a Polaroid picture of a cock in there. He signed the back โLove, always David. See you soon!โ.
Called Amazon, called the cops, called my lawyer to see if this was enough to kill a man and get off with temporary insanity.
By the way, David if you read this (because Iโm pretty sure you are a Redditor) either your penis is really small or your pubes are really long, either way gross
NOR just be extremely careful. And everyone here saying she was overreacting did you all not read the same post I did.
1. OP states categorically that she does contactless deliveries only and DOES NOT open the door so how exactly does this driver know what she looks like unless he was waiting out of sight and watching the house?
2. He knows what he is doing is creepy and beyond past the line as she categorically states he turned his head away from the camera when he was delivering the note.
OP I am going to say it be very very careful as if he is writing notes to you he has more than likely wrote your address down as well. You and your husband should absolutely report him to Amazon as he seems to be in the first stages of stalking (and you don’t know how many other women he has done this to) but beef up the security around your house and make sure there is no blind spots at all. Men like this tend to retaliate and he already knows you have phoned the police on him. Unfortunately the polices attitude to incidents like this is nothing is happening until they seriously harm you or even kill you.
โI loathe to just get that off my chestโฆโ makes no fucking sense
NOR. Those saying that the police can’t do anything… they did exactly what they’re supposed to. They documented the interaction and have informed the guy that this was beyond unwelcome. Since he knows where you live and delivers packages, you would want the police to know in case this should escalate. That kind of exchange from company employee to customer is not appropriate. You don’t know this guy nor his MO or intentions, and you cannot tell which from which. If he truly is harmless and just clueless as how to woo women, then nothing will come of it, and hopefully he can gracefully take this as a learning lesson. However, if he’s an icky poo poo, then the police have his name and number in case he gets weirder.
Honestly I would have called the police for his handwriting, his spelling, and his lack of ability to use words correctly. Jk not really.
Glad you called the cops, at least they have it on record for the future even if they can’t do anything yet. Call amazon too.
People saying he just “shot his shot” are living in a goddamn fantasy world. The dynamic here is out of balance, he knows everything about you, your address, your order history, names, numbers, vehicles, maybe even timings of your schedules, while you and your husband don’t know shit about this guy. This is not acceptable “flirting” in any way.
Only an idiot waits until shit goes down before taking precautions. A note like this could be how the stalking starts, it happens all the fucking time people, don’t be naive. It always starts “harmless” enough, and has potential to escalate. Why should OP take a chance? Would you take the same chance if it was your daughter or your sister or your wife or gf? I wouldnt.
Didn’t even want to read past the TLDR, don’t even need context on your relationship. This is weird and can be taken in a bad way, so no you didn’t over react. Read the fact that he has been to your house multiple times and now… so duh lol
I’m on your husband’s side here. This is inappropriate. Don’t engage with this person, but contact Amazon and ask to speak with the warehouse supervisor. Tell them to assign someone else to your route or the next time they hear from you will be via your lawyer.
NOR. Iโm currently being stalked by a past client of mine. It started a year ago with similar notes like this first in texts. Iโm still dealing with fake numbers contacting me daily. Now heโs sending me things in the mail. I hate being in this situation. Coming from me, I think this is concerning, but maybe Iโm jaded ๐
Please be careful. Please escalate it. This is not normal behavior and the man knows where you live!
NOR please report this guy to amazon
Maybe I should clarify “called the police” because it seems like a lot of people are thinking we called 911 and tied up critical resources. But my husband called the non-emergency police number to discuss what had happened and if there was anything we should do. An officer called us back when they had time, and interviewed me over the phone, then called the other guy.
911 was never called and the police did not actually show up. It was all over the phone, non-emergency.
Just a very very small look into what women face daily for rejecting men.
Men are afraid women will make fun of them.
Women are afraid men will kill them.
Unsure why everyone says youโre over reacting. Thatโs weird dude. Driver needs to do his job and leave people alone. Shooting your shot is fine, HOWEVER, he knows where you live. Itโs way out of line for him to be leaving this note AT YOUR HOUSE. I donโt care if Iโm downvoted. This is so strange and Iโm sorry the police were unable to help you. I would be mega uncomfortable, especially with you being a SAHM. Make sure your cameras are always active.
That is absolutely not a misunderstanding. Not overreacting. Restraining order? Get him fired? All of these could make this more dangerous for dm you, so could doing nothingโฆfeels like stalking. Ugh.
This is completely inappropriate and creepy as hell. I personally would have just reported it to Amazon and not bothered with the police. However, I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong for doing so. Since you’re alone, much of the time, it’s not a bad thing for them to have documentation of the incident in case of further problems or retaliation.
I’m sure you guys have already thought of all the home security related stuff. But just in case, do look into more outdoor cameras if you can. Make sure all of your windows are locked (and alarmed if possible). Secure any garages or out buildings, and always make sure your vehicles are locked even if kept in a garage. Perhaps some kind of personal defense items for yourself as well. Pepper spray, stun gun, etc. A small concealed pistol if you’re comfortable with that and it’s permitted where you live.
Thatโs creepy AF
This is weird AF did you also call Amazon to complain? I have the employee HR live support # you can DM me if you need it. I would be flipping out over this shit! You are NOR
NO I would be scared too, he knows where you live.
I wouldnโt say youโre overreacting. The sad reality is that a lot of women (and people in general) become victims of harassment and stalking because they seem too welcoming. Yea, calling the police is extreme, but now that he knows youโre willing to escalate it might deter him from taking things further. The reality is we donโt know his MO. It couldโve been a simple awkward flirt, or it couldโve been the beginning of his plan to harass/stalk you. Iโm a better safe than sorry kind of girl (also anxious haha).
Hopefully it stops here, but if it doesnโt Iโd say continue to keep the police updated (and amazon of course, they can hopefully remove him from your route). A documented incident history makes a HUGE difference (based on the experience of a friend who was stalked for years)
Definitely report him to Amazon. If he didnโt know better by this point in his life, this is how he can learn.ย
Is he just another stupidly skeevey guy being a creep? Probably. Thatโs a him problem, not a you problem.ย
NOR and you NEED to contact Amazon themselves. The police canโt help you but Amazon can put him on a different route
Not overreacting at all. This is absolutely wild, desperate, and pathetic behavior. Thereโs a time and a place and this is neither.
This isnโt 911 worthy, but calling your local non-emergency line is NOR. Definitely report to Amazon as this is not something a driver should ever do.
NOR I’ve been stalked. This is step one. He knew it was wrong- pulling up his mask and avoiding the camera. Good chance he’s done this with others. Call Amazon, this guy should not have access to other people’s homes, even if it is just the porch.
A lot of these commenters have never had a stalker, and it shows. Calling the police was the right thing to do here to start a paper trail in case this escalates and you need a restraining order. Hopefully he learned his lesson.
NOR. If someone left this note for my wife, I think we would do the same. Infatuation can lead to nothing or it can lead to stalking, best to be safe.
He now knows not to pursue this, and the police have a record in case he decides to persist. You canโt be too careful when someone knows your address.
I would also contact Amazon and ask that he not be assigned more deliveries to your home.
That hand writing is some scury shit
NOR. Paper trail. Talk from police. Employer. Iโd add in a restraining order on top of the police report.
Definitely contact Amazon. This is both creepy and inappropriate. The smirk and wink to the camera shows that this was not just a compliment.
If you do only contactless delivery he had to have been watching you, somehow
Contact Amazon and report the driver. He will get fired immediately and won’t be driving past your house anymore
>The message relayed to us was that the driver apologized, claimed he didnโt mean to scare me, and assured the officer it wouldnโt happen again. The officer felt it was likely a misunderstanding and said the man seemed genuinely upset about the situation.
This is absolutely vile. “Likely a misunderstanding” No, no it wasn’t. The way police will bend over backwards to make excuses for gross behaviour from men, but quickly demonise and chastise women is truly disgusting.
This man will escalate, maybe not with the OP, but definitely in the future, and next time, he won’t leave a note, because now he’s learned to hide his behaviour from the police, he’s now learned a very valuable lesson, all because police pretend that men like this aren’t a threat.
Doesnโt help that heโs got the penmanship of a serial killer
Holy WHAT?!!
Girl, you are not overreacting at all! Trust your instincts โ that situation was creepy, and itโs totally valid to feel unsettled, especially with your past trauma.ย
NOR. As others have said, this goes beyond creepy and into frightening behavior because this guy knows where you live. Itโs good to have a paper trail in case he escalates, and nothing has even happened to him besides a phone call slapping him on the wrist. People are acting like you had him arrested ๐
I’d definitely contact amazon, it would be the same if it were a Doctor, therapist, cleaner, tradie, etc. It’s beyond inappropriate, you don’t know if he has done this to others, he may have had a warning before..
If anything, this is setting the clear boundary to him that you won’t have this happening, and with that he will leave you alone… Amazon may even remove him from that route?
Definitely not overreacting, as a woman and mother, you can NEVER be over cautious.
Listen to your husband, and escalate, holy shit.
And cops… What else can you say?
They’re literally trying to convince you this is a nothing-burger.
The cops are WRONG, you are NOT overreacting, and your Husband is RIGHT – ESCALATE!
Make this mfer pay for his actions. actions have consequences. Nobody was looking out for you, when you were a kid, you should at least look out for yourself, now that you’re an adult, and now that you have support from your family, as well.
I agree with all the comments here who say NOR. This is creepy as hell and you are your husband should actually escalate this to Amazon.
That said, I want to take a moment to appreciate the hilarity of this kid having no sense of grammar. What a Cassanova he must be
At first from the note and the post title I would have said you overreacted but the context is quite disturbing. He might have saw your face by coincidence from seeing you enter the house before or right after he made his delivery but I have difficulties seeing any innocent explanation for hiding his face… Eventually shyness but that’s stretched…