AIO for breaking up with my boyfriend after an insensitive joke?

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>So I (f23) just broke up with my boyfriend (m34)

Stopped right there.

There is a reason he is single in his 30’s and dating a young 20’s woman! He clearly isn’t right for you, don’t try and fix him or help him, simply let him go

and this is just 4 months in….imagine what “jokes” he’ll say to you in the long run 🙁

NOR – as if his penis smells of vanilla and strawberries 🙄 I’m f23 and I’ve been with a man of the exact same age gap. Did not give oral. Didn’t work out due to many things. That joke was rank, good on you for drawing a line.

23 and 34 was the first red flag here

NOR. A lot of men have an issue with going down on women, as if dicks smell like a bed of roses and taste like chocolate. Being unwilling to give your partner the same pleasure they give you is already a red flag for me, but the fact that he was cracking jokes about your body at his big age is a massive red flag, especially something so sensitive.

That’s a lot of immaturity for a 34 year old.

That’s why you don’t date man children. Get a guy that’s your age both mentally and physically

it’s not just about hygiene—it’s about respect and communication. You deserve someone who treats you as an equal and values you properly. Moving on was a smart choice.

He is ELEVEN years older than you and this is why he can’t find anyone his age to date.

It’s just a joke.

– male proverb

Girl I stopped reading as soon as you told us your respective ages. 

There’s a reason women his age won’t date him. Now you know it.

NOR. It’s okay to not like doing certain things, but there’s a way to communicate that without making your partner feel unwanted or unclean. You two didn’t sound compatible for the long haul.

Btw, there are guys out there who enjoy doing that and won’t need to be coaxed 🙂

Well done

If he and his jokes make you uncomfortable and insecure, then you shouldn’t be with him. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a partner you can feel safe with


Yeeaaa he was 34 and you’re 23 it was never gonna work, just saying, it’s kinda great you broke it off with him; also he childish af


Nah, it’s totally valid to feel this way. He seems to have the mentality of a 15-year-old and will very likely not change, given his age, that’s probably why he chose to date someone younger so he could feel “superior” towards them, since he lacks other qualities of a good partner.

Having certain preferences is fine, but only when they’re approached with respect and emotional intelligence. Be glad he revealed his true colours after just four months, saving you from wasting more time on this manchild.

yeah i’m not a fan of those jokes either. tbh doesn’t sound like you’re THAT compatible, sexually or humour wise. also that age gap is head tilting lol

Why would you go with someone 11 years older then you

NOR. You started the new year right. Don’t entertain his bs and block him.

and this is just 4 months in….imagine what “jokes” he’ll say to you in the long run 🙁

“Arousal fluid.” What a baby. Sure he is 34?

NOR, I’m so impressed and delighted that you took a stand. Bravo, Queen!! 🤴

It was an insensitive joke, although if he’s expressed he doesn’t like giving oral sex, it’s weird for you to keep bringing it up. Imagine you said you didn’t like giving blowjobs but he kept looking for work arounds and suggesting it for breakfast. You aren’t sexually compatible, and nobody should have had numerous issues they needed to work through in the space of 4 months.

No. He’s an arsehole and that’s him belittling you which is the beginning of him putting you down to reduce your self confidence to start controlling you.

You dodged a bullet, good on you.

Edit: Maybe misogynist wasn’t the right word to use. Men are allowed to deny sexual acts, consent is always important. OP’s partner never went down on her, but still decided to make inappropriate jokes about her privates calling them smelly? Maybe not a misogynist but definitely not someone that respects the women he dates. Not to mention, an 11 year age gap. It just rubs me the wrong way. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edit: removed offensive language insinuating men are obligated to give oral. Men can be victims and are allowed to deny ANY! sexual acts. I apologize for anyone I may have offended!

I would’ve cried if my bf said this to me. I’m happy for you that you maintained your composure and got away from him so your safety wasn’t threatened.

If he genuinely didn’t want sex, he could say “hmmmmm I was thinking pancakes” or something similarly kind while still making his needs clear. If my partner said 🤢 ew no, even if we both know I’ve recently showered, I’d feel so disgusted and not be horny for a long time after that.

age gap checks out.

stop being desperate enough to date men who dont even want to pleasure you. Seriously. get a grip.


Lets say he didn’t want to please you , it would already be a bad situation , but to make a joke about it? I can see a world where he made that joke to “ease the tension” , which he would need to assume its something you guys need to work on , but I dont think thats what happening at all , he just seems clueless and not willing to work with you to solve that problem

Your reason to break up was fine , youre totally in your right and even if it wasn’t bc of the joke could you imagine yourself with a partner who doesn’t go down on you? You took care of two problems , the insensitive joke and that intimacy problem between you guys.

What else could you do? That was the better choice regardless of the joke.

No you did not overreact. There’s men out there who would love to eat you out!! Go get a new one queen

oh girl he was 11 years older than you and still acting like that? you dodged a bullet with this one.

you’re not overreacting. I’d also break up with him

GOOD ON YOU!!! That age gap is insane, stay safe OP!!

Proud of you girl🍸

Nah. Not only is he way too old to be dating a 23 year old, but he’s also way too old to be scared of pussy. He’s extremely immature and, to be completely honest, probably in the closet.

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