AIO GI nurse found my instagram and emailed me

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This is a giant violation of your privacy as a patient.

I managed a medical office and if any of my employees were looking up a patientā€™s name in a medical chart or using privileged information they were given for purposes other than intended (which he clearly did) so they could find that patient on social media, theyā€™d be fired.

Patients surrender a great deal to their healthcare providers – birthdays, addresses, health histories, etc. – in order to gain the maximum health benefit. The cost of holding that information is maintaining a higher level of discretion on the part of the staff who are helping you.

Itā€™d be one thing if he bumped into you and a friend group or in public or something, but this is a gross invasion of your privacy and patient rights. Iā€™d contact the GI doctor immediately.

You need to report him to the clinic. Thatā€™s unprofessional and, honestly, creepy af!

Unprofessional. You need to say something to the clinic

Pretty sure he had to access your demographic info to have contacted you, which is super inappropriate & means he also could have your address, dob, etc.

If they’re in Canada that’s actually illegal. I’m a nurse and unless there’s written or verbal consent to contact you via your cell phone, then this is a violation.

Oh no… No… No… Ew.

This is predatory and he needs reported! Youā€™re not overreacting. This guy not only added you on Instagram, but also went back into your patient demographics to find your email to get in touch with you! Huge violation of HIPAA.

Report him to the clinic. This is completely unacceptable and, if he is a licensed health professional, he should lose his license.

As someone who works in healthcare, this feels like a massive HIPAA violation. You should definitely report this to the clinic. Send/show them this email.

NOR, as a healthcare worker I can confirm this is a massive HIPPA violation. Please contact the clinic so they can rectify this situation immediately and if you do not get results get in contact with the joint commission and conduct a formal report. Itā€™s imperative you act on this not only for your own dignity but the dignity, respect, and privacy of all patients.

ā€œShooting his shotā€ is something he canā€™t do EVER in a work setting in the medical field with patients. And then to break all privacy laws through work to FIND YOU.

Report him. Heā€™s only going to get more bold until heā€™s caught. Donā€™t let the next woman he finds attractive to have to find him at her front door!

Report NOW!!! This is illegal, and fucking creepy. He has access to your information and should not be in that position if he is abusing it.

Clear conflict of interests, Iā€™d tell his employer. Thatā€™s not ā€œshooting a shotā€ thatā€™s crossing a boundary with someone who is a patient of your clinic. He has access to your personal info, used it for a personal purpose, found you on insta, and emailed you. He has no right to do that, he shouldnā€™t be using his workplace to try to stalk patients online, and thatā€™s exactly what heā€™s doing. It would be one thing if he worked at a coffee shop and asked for your IG before you left, but thatā€™s not what happened here. His employer needs to know, if I were a doctor I would not want one of the nurses in my office to be soliciting dates from my patients, thatā€™s unprofessional. Youā€™re probably not the only person heā€™s done this to either. The doctor has a right to be aware of this, because this nurse is using his patients as a dating pool. Itā€™s ethically unsound, and completely NOT okay.

NOR. This is creepy. Maybe forward this email to any general email address for the clinic? Or if you can talk to your GI doctor and forward it to them? This is a breach of professional etiquette and super intrusive. I would not respond to this guy and would not want to be aided by him at the clinic in any which way whatsoever.

Thats extremely unprofessional. Donā€™t reply to him, and if it bothers u enough (which i believe it has) reach out to the clinic and let the nurseā€™s higher ups know what heā€™s been up to. Itā€™s very easy to prove since you have the email and let them know how uncomfortable it made you.

Oh yeah, that’s creepy as hell. That’s a man who will be touching some of your private areas of the body. I’d be creeped out, too.

And before anyone yaps about “chivalry” and “a man can’t ask a woman out these days”, the guy could have done that shit… I don’t know… in person? Instead of stalking on Instagram?

I am a doctor who works with a lot of ma’s.

If I found out one of my ma’s were acting like this… This maybe grounds for dismissal.

There’s not much wiggle room here this is pretty bad.

I’m trying to think of a scenario where it becomes even remotely okay. It would have to be a scenario where you stopped coming to our clinic and he happens to run into you outside the clinic…… And even then it would have to be very tactful

Hey so this is illegal. He just played his position at his job. Report him.

Contact the GI clinic, send them this screenshot and all the information you told us. Thatā€™s super creepy and who knows who else heā€™s creeping on.

This is creepy as fuck, and a HIPAA violation (in America) he cannot use your medical records (including your name) to find you in you out in the wild. This is disturbing.

I work in healthcare. Report this person immediately

Not only is this wrong, but I feel like it speaks to other parts of his character. Is he safe to be around? Does he disclose patient information? So many red flags.

Itā€™s fuckinā€™ frightening to realize how badly desperate men can misinterpret their social interactions and allow it to blind them. It almost always boils down to them being so desperate that pleasant interactions are perceived as full-blown flirtatious chemistry, to the point that they abandon all attempts at respecting *basic,* *standard* social boundaries. The kind of boundaries that requires a level of self awareness that most people have and navigate with before or by puberty.

Men like this have been broken, or were never ticking right in the first place. They need help. They need guidance. In your case, perhaps an investigation or at the very least a report on his behavior.

I highly doubt he was able to find you on the internet without breaching your privacy illegally, unless you have a unique name or put *all* your basic info out there to the public.

Not overreacting, do everything you can to seize his ability to contact you

NOR! You need save the email and report him to the clinic, and then the State Licensing Board if he holds a medical license of any kind. This is a violation of your privacy, and could be considered stalking. Medical professionals are NOT to have contact with patients like this.

Not cool.


HIPAA violation right here…

Report him

This is illegal, unethical, and creepy as fuck

You need to forward that email to the GI doctor.

We had a clerk fired for this at the VA I worked for. She became an example of what not to do & how to get fired in our HIPAA orientation.

Men are so fucking inappropriate

this is crazy. my wife just had surgery and when we got to chit chatting about an event we were going to the following month the nurse admitted they also planned to attend and specifically told us that for privacy reasons he wouldn’t be acknowledging that he even knew us and this guy had the audacity to stalk you and fully admit to it

Notify his employer.

A doordasher kept my info and came back to leave me a note a week later. HE got fired and doesn’t work in the medical field. Report tf out of that guy. He has no right being in the medical field. If he doesn’t get fired, I’ll be genuinely surprised.

This is so violating. Please report this person asap. Idk about you, but I routinely get procedures at my GI office that require me to be partially sedated & I would NOT want this person around me while in a compromised state.

So creepy.

idk this feels illegal? like HIPPA or some sort of privacy violation

Ohhhh noooooo!! Huge violation. He needs to be reported!!

What he did was highly unprofessional, but he needs to be reported cause who knows what he might do to another female. This not only protects you but also future patients too.

Definitely report him this is beyond creepy

Iā€™d report him. This is predatory.

Needs to be reported to the clinic and department of health and human services. You are 100% not the first person he has done this to and this is someone who does not need to be in the field, unless they can understand boundaries.

Nah, you need to report him. This is so inappropriate and way beyond any kind of boundaries. You have the right to tend to your health and exist in public without creeps tracking you down. What a fucking asshole.

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