AIO i wanted to wear a dress or skirt today and my bf got mad abt it

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Why are you apologizing to this weenie. I’m sorry I was going to wear a skirt without you there. You must be very young because this is blatant red flag. You apologizing is translating to him that this behavior is acceptable and it is not. 

Run now. He’s trying to gain control… over time it will get worse.

You are under reacting here. How long have you been dating that he thinks he can control what you wear?

He is upset some one else might see you looking cute, and is also mad you aren’t doing enough to make him happy.

These are pretty controlling behaviours. I know this is a snapshot of your lives, but if you are just meeting his mom that sounds like early in the relationship. And he is this demanding already about what you wear- is this what you want from a partner? To have this fight all the time? Or can you see yourself just giving up more and more and letting him dictate your clothing (or friends, or job, or life)


You’re fawning, hard. You have no reason to be apologizing. Just own your outfits and if he can’t have a vulnerable conversation about this with you where he isn’t just stomping his feet about it then he can kick rocks about it if he doesn’t like it.

Let him be mad about it. Don’t protect him from his own feelings by placating him and caving to them so they’ll go away – let him be mad and he can go be mad somewhere away from you. He won’t die because he’s upset for a while – and his upset isn’t your fault, it’s his, and he’s gotta figure out how to regulate that himself. If he can’t, well, he’s not much of a catch and it’s not your job to turn him into one.

**Note: if you’re unsafe/he’s dangerous when he’s mad and that’s why you fawn like this, then get out of the relationship and know that you’ll be ok and you’ll feel better when his anger is no longer something you have to manage your actions by **

You need a partner, not a captor.

Controlling and passive-agressive…Run :/

You are being made to apologize for wearing a piece that makes you feel beautiful, just because he expects you to be pretty only to his eyes? GIRL RUN.

He is controlling. What you wear is your decision and your decision alone. The fact that you even asked him speaks volumes about the dynamic of your relationship. You should 100% leave this man, it will only get worse and he will continue to police everything that you do, say or wear and consider you his personal property. This is a massive red flag and you should run while you still can!


Nor break it off IMMEDIATELY.

While it’s fair to be upset when your girlfriend dresses to the nines when she’s out without you, and all you get us a messy bun and leggings, there’s a way to have that conversation, and this absolutely wasn’t it.

He’s controlling, abusive and suspects you of cheating, which probably means HE’S CHEATING. Or at least very very insecure.

Also, not sure why you’re telling him what you’re wearing when you’re not together. It’s not his business.

honestly, men like this give me the ick. he sounds insecure and he projecting that onto you, girl wear that skirt and walk yourself into another man’s life who wont give you crap for what you choose to wear.

You’re not overreacting. He clearly either has trust, control, or jealousy issue’s he needs to sort out. (or all three)

Homeboy is off his meds.

Source: me. On meds.

Why does he need to know what you’re wearing? Especially since you weren’t even going to see him.

It’s a good thing you did though, now you know he’s controlling.

Get out. You don’t need that.

or because it’s your fucking body and you don’t need a reason to wear something

He’s an insecure and controlling asshole. Leave him. This will only get worse. 

Girl…GIRRRRLLLLL this is abuse!

Wtf are you apologising for? He is making it like it’s not acceptable for you to wear a skirt you like…if he says he doesn’t want other guys looking at you, may be he should address his insecurities or gauge out everyone’s eyeballs because people look at other people.
That’s not “weird”. What’s weird him making it an issue, you backed down and he said he doesn’t care …even though he did, and enough to make it an issue and then when you backed further down and isolated yourself to staying indoors, he says it’s ‘interesting’ – this is gaslighting and manipulative. This BOY is trying to control you.

Leave before it gets worse…this is how it starts. Before he starts telling you he doesn’t like some of your friends/family because they’re bad influences or something. Please be safe and get out

Why were you even TALKING about what you wanted to wear? Do you need this guy’s permission to leave the fucking house? 

I don’t even understand why he even knew? Do you ask him permission for your outfit choices? 

He’s overthinking and being insecure. You said that you won’t wear it, yet he’s hammering on about it.

$10 days he’s cheating. That level of jealousy is, at the **very least**, awfully manipulative and controlling, but I have a feeling he’s cheating on you and projecting that back onto you through the manipulation.

Whether he is or isn’t, that’s still a big ol’ **NOPE!** Never let someone tell you what you can and cannot wear. NOR.

Why would OP know she needed to ask for permission to wear the skirt versus just going out wearing one ?

What a loser. Him, not you.

Girl if you don’t get the fuck up outta there this instance!


Tell the insecure bastard to do a running jump. FYI when you reply “ok I won’t sorry” it’s just giving him the green light to carry on. You act like you’re asking him when you should be telling him.

The consensus of this thread that the boyfriend is without a doubt out of line is absurd. Could he be controlling and insecure, sure. But he could also have a valid point and basis for his comments…


WHY TF are you with this assclown ??????? LEAVE or be miserable the rest of your life. Your choice. BTW, THIS IS ABUSE. THIS IS HOW IT STARTS. NO MAN CONTROLS WHAT YOU WEAR. I’m gonna assume you’re a child and not an absolute moron, GROW UP.

Gaslighting 101. Did you take this text exchange from a textbook perhaps?

He’s got the problem and you apologize.

He calls you out, then says he doesn’t care.

He’s making you smaller and smaller until you disappear. Run, OP. Run now.

hes controlling asf and he clearly doesnt trust you to just go out alone (witch is insane !!! that is not normal hon !!!!) get out that doesnt get better he should be begging for pictures of your cute outfits not dictating when you can wear them

Girl wtf

Ill be honest, as a guy I’ve experienced this exact thing. The girl I was with would dress wayyyy sexier when she did things with her friends than with me…I brought it up and it didn’t go well. But that and other stuff made me realize she clearly didn’t like me that much, she liked the concept of me.

I say all of this to say that if the guy you’re with notices this, take into into consideration that he may feel you’re not that attracted to him because he perceives you as not wanting to look sexy for him. It’s not always some controlling guy who being an asshole. Insecurity is real and it’s always interesting that men can’t present their insecurities without being ridiculed even though a lot of women claim we don’t express ourselves. Have a serious conversation face to face and figure it out if you care about the guy.

Lots of red flags. RUN fast. This guy is immature, controlling, and mean. Please just take some time out from men and work on you and loving yourself. Read all these comments and warnings. You can do better don’t settle for this dick.
I’m a retired almost sixty year old woman and over the years I’ve had the unfortune of occasionally dating mean controlling nasty men like your boyfriend. It never ended well. I’m speaking from experience. He will do nothing but continue to waste your time and hurt your feelings. Break up and RUN.

Why are you apologizing?? You can wear WHATEVER you want to!

JFC Stop apologizing to that bozo. And stop explaining yourself. He’s a whinocerous. Figure out why you want to make yourself smaller to appease an insecure lil boy and work on that. Then look to date a grown man who isn’t trying to control you.

Man here👋🏻

Get away from this guy asap.

wear what you want men can’t control you

He’s an insecure little man.

Babygirl, he is insecure and manipulative. Leave him asap.

You are not his property. This is controlling behaviour. You need to get away from him as this is typical of the start of coercive control. Stay safe.

Girl, RUN. Like, now. This will only get worse. You deserve a man that WANTS you to WANT to feel beautiful, not this asshat.

My guess is he’s this way about other things as well, not just the way you dress.

He’s a jealous, pouty little bitch of a child. You deserve better. Please do yourself a favor and dump this loser.

Gr8 B8 M8

One thing I gotta say. NOR!!!!!!!!!

“Oh so because I’m a jealous douchebag you are going to stay inside all day? Interesting… 🤔 “

What a manipulative asshole thing to say.

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